Community Data and Reports
- Source: Statistics Canada, 2006-2016 Censuses of Population
- Jurisdiction of COS: County of Simcoe, not including separated Cities of Barrie and Orillia
- Where no data is displayed, the data has been suppressed for data quality reasons
- Numbers may not add due to rounding
- 2021 Census Data Release Schedule
This page will house maps, tables and reports using the 2021 Census data at the Simcoe County (Census Division) and local municipality (Census Subdivision) levels.
The County of Simcoe gains access to custom Census data tables for specific geographic communities through the Community Data Program. Detailed community profiles on topics exploring these custom tables and additional tables released by Statistics Canada will be created and published as requested.
Statistics Canada Census Profile Topic | Documents |
Immigrants and Recent Immigrants Profile
2021 Census Immigrants and Recent Immigrants Profile 2021 Census Immigrants and Recent Immigrants Profile – Infographic |
Analysis of Census topics will be completed as they are released by Statistics Canada using the below schedule. Documents created may include comparisons to 2016 data, comparisons to other geographies and/or thematic maps as relevant to the topic and data.
Statistics Canada Census Topic | Documents |
Population and dwelling counts Age, sex at birth and gender Type of dwelling |
Updated Report: 2021 Census Population, Dwelling, Age and Gender Map: Population Change 2016 to 2021 ![]() ![]() Note: Data on detailed gender breakdown is not available at the Simcoe County level. |
Families, households and marital status | Report: 2021 Census Marital Status, Households and Families |
Canadian military experience | Note: Data on Canadian military experience is not available at the Simcoe County level. |
Income | Report: 2021 Income |
Language | ![]() Map: Change in Non-Official Mother Tongue (2016-2021) |
Housing | Report: 2021 Census Housing |
Immigration, place of birth and citizenship Ethnocultural and religious diversity Mobility and migration |
Report: 2021 Census Immigration![]() |
Education Labour Language of work Commuting Instruction in the official minority language |
Expected: TBD |
For more information visit:
The 2016 Census Day was May 10, 2016. On February 8, 2017, Statistics Canada released its first set of data from this Census, on population and dwelling counts.
Simcoe’s population grew by 33,587 residents between 2011 and 2016, which represents a change of 7.5% from 2011. This compares to the provincial average of 4.6% and the national average of 5.0%.
Community Profiles:
2018 Child, Youth and Family Profile
2018 Child, Youth and Family Profile – Infographic
2018 Immigrants and Recent Immigrants Profile
2016 Census Children Profile Aged 0 to 6 Years
2016 Census Children Profile Aged 7 to 14 Years
2016 Census Children Profile Infographic Aged 0 to 6 and 7 to 14 Years
Census 2016 Update Reports:
2016 Census: Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity
2016 Census: Income in Simcoe County
2016 Census: Aboriginal Peoples
2016 Census: Marital Status, Families, and Households in Simcoe County
2016 Census: Language in Simcoe County
2016 Census: Age and Sex in Simcoe County
2016 Census_Simcoe County_Population and Dwelling Counts and Change_CSD
2016 Census: Housing in Simcoe County
Thematic Maps:
Simcoe County: Population Growth, 2011-2016
Simcoe County: Change of Non-Official Mother Tongue Languages, 2011-2016
Simcoe County: Proportion of Lone-Parent Families, 2016
Simcoe County: Median Household Income Map, 2015
Simcoe County: Prevalence of Low-Income (LIM-AT) Map, 2015
Simcoe County: Change of Immigrant Population, 2006-2016
Simcoe County: Proportion of Aboriginal Population, 2016
Simcoe County: Francophones by Municipality in Simcoe County, 2016
Simcoe County: Households in Core Housing Need, 2016
Simcoe County: Median Monthly Shelter Cost of Owned Dwellings, 2016
Simcoe County: Median Monthly Shelter Cost of Rented Dwellings, 2016
Census 2016: Simcoe County Update Presentation
Simcoe County and Poverty (2016 Census and other Data Sources)
Topic-based bulletins:
2011 Census and National Household Survey (NHS)
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2011 National Household Survey: Labour, Education & Mobility |
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Publications & Resources
The County of Simcoe is always looking to create resources to provide insight into the changing community. These resources reflect a diverse community and provide demographic information based on data collected by Statistics Canada and accessed through the Community Data Program, as well as administrative data sources.
The purpose of the Average Market Rent Survey (AMR) is to collect accurate data on current rental market prices from residential rental advertisements. The rental structures included are self-contained, with no short-term leases included, and are found within Simcoe County.
2022 Average Market Rent Summary Report
2021 Average Market Rent Summary Report
Interactive mapping applications provide an easy way to find, access and view information.
211 Community Services mapping tool is an interactive map with information in English and French for 4,000+ community, health, social and government services available to individuals and families in Simcoe County.
How it works:
The map pairs 211 community services data with a GIS system to enable specialized search criteria including a main category, subcategories and optional age categories.
Sub-categories include but are not limited to:
- Rent & Housing Assistance (Under Financial Assistance)
- Addiction Counselling / Treatment (Under Mental Health/Addictions)
- Social Assistance (Under Financial Assistance)
- Food Banks (Under Food)
- Income Tax Clinics (Under Financial Assistance)
Service locations appear on the map as red dots:
- Click each location to display the organization name, description, and a website link.
- Click the view details link to display information on the complete services provided by the organization, including eligibility, hours of service, accessibility, contact information, languages provided and service fees.

Data source:
The information is digitally pulled from the community services database maintained by Community Connection for the 211 Ontario Network. Information is updated at a minimum of once a year by Certified Data Curators who have expertise in gathering, organizing, indexing, and disseminating information about human service programs and the organizations that provide them. Agencies can also suggest updates at anytime on the 211 webpage.
How it can be used:
This map can be used by service providers when face to face with clients or shared virtually. This map is also available for public use.
Examples of use:
- Find services near by
- Calculating distance of mapped services to specific addresses
- Sharable: Printing, e-mail, social media
- User update suggestions
How it came to be:
This project builds upon several mapping projects with Community Connection that began in 2015.
About Community Connection/211:
Community Connection is an information and referral organization located in Collingwood. Their work is to help people find and access essential services through helplines and online directories.
Community Connection delivers services through the national, bilingual, 24/7 helpline 211, in person walk-in assistance, online search, chat, text and email, as well as other specialized phone lines and online directories.
A database of community services is used by Community Connection’s Navigators to locate essential services for callers in need of income assistance, community health services, housing and utilities programs, mental health support, transportation and food hampers.
The database of community services in Simcoe County is maintained by a long-standing partnership Community Connection has with other community information and referral organizations.
Training Content Offered by Statistics Canada
“Statistics: Power from Data!” is a training tool for students, teachers and the general population that will help them in getting the most from statistics. This resource aims to help readers:
- gain confidence in using statistical information,
- appreciate the importance of statistical information in today’s society,
- make critical use of information that is presented to them.” Statistics Canada
To access the training content as an interactive webpage go to:
To access the training as a pdf click here.
2022 Enumeration
The 2022 Homeless Enumeration took place January 25-27, 2022.
Preliminary Findings:
2022 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Infographic
- Detailed Report:
Everyone Counts 2022 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration
- Area Specific Findings:
2022 Area Specific Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Infographic
- Presentation Slides:
2022 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Presentation
Please contact Simcoe County Alliance to End Homelessness (SCATEH) for more information.
2020 Enumeration
The 2020 Homeless Enumeration took place November 17-23, 2020.
Preliminary Findings:
2020 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Infographic
- Detailed Report:
Everyone Counts 2020 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration
- Populations of Interest Report:
2020 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Population of Interest Analysis
- Post Enumeration Workshop Slides:
2020 Simcoe County Homeless Enumeration Post Enumeration Workshop Slides
- General Information:
- 2020 Questionnaires and Screener:
2018 Enumeration
2018 County Wide Enumeration Report and Appendices
2018 County Wide Enumeration Presentation
2018 County Wide Enumeration Key Findings
2016 Enumeration
Immigrant Survey, 2022
The purpose of the Immigrant Survey was to collect information from immigrants on their experiences living, belonging and/or working in Simcoe County. The objectives of the survey were to:
• Measure what attracted immigrants to move to Simcoe County,
• Understand what is important to immigrants when choosing a place to live/work,
• Gather information on the services immigrants’ access within their community, and
• Understand what services immigrants would like to access within their communities.
Summary Report:
Immigrant Survey Summary Report
Immigrant Survey Presentation
Immigrant Health Outcome Survey, 2021
The purpose of the Immigrant Health Outcome Survey (IHO) was to collect information from foreign-born individuals on their health care status and experiences in Simcoe County.
Summary Report:
Immigrant Health Outcome Survey Summary Report
Immigrant Health Outcome Survey Crosstab Report
Immigrant Health Outcome Summary of Findings Presentation
Other Publications
Hiring Immigrants Makes Good Business Sen$e (overview), 2017
Local Immigration Partnership Progress Report, 2016
Hiring Immigrants Makes Good Business Sen$e (publication), 2012
In May to July 2018, Information Orillia and its partners launched the Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey. It was conducted by the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW) team at the University of Waterloo, and was distributed to residents of Orillia and surrounding communities: Ramara, Oro-Medonte, and Severn. The survey included focused questions in the CIW’s eight defined domains of wellbeing. The CIW analyzed the collected data from the survey’s responses and prepared two reports:
Report #1: Wellbeing in Orillia and Area: A Summary of Results from the CIW Community Wellbeing Survey
- This report highlights initial findings from the Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey data. It provides a demographic profile of residents and measures overall wellbeing in the form of summary and descriptive analysis.
Report #2: A Closer Look at the CIW Community Wellbeing Survey Results for Orillia and Area
- This second report provides a more in-depth look at the results of the survey through overviews and statistics of the CIW’s eight defined domains of wellbeing. The PowerPoint format provides flexibility for easy interpretation and use of these results.
Additional information about the Orillia and Area Community Wellbeing Survey and Canadian Index of Wellbeing can be found at:
Simcoe County Community Engagement
Local community engagement sessions foster opportunities for collaboration and discussion on key topics. Sharing the information gathered from community engagement sessions is important for promoting ongoing awareness and involvement.
2021 Living Wage Recalculation
In 2009, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) published the Canadian Living Wage Framework: A National Methodology for Calculating the Living Wage in Your Community and the Ontario Family Expense Workbook. The framework defined living wage as the hourly wage a worker needs to earn to cover their basic expenses once government transfers have been added and deductions have been subtracted.
The living wage calculation methodology has been updated over the years by the Ontario Living Wage Network to account for changing population demographics and government policies.
The 2021 living wage calculation for Simcoe County is $19.05.
Check out the Simcoe County 2021 Living Wage Recalculation Report for details on the methodology used.
2018 Living Wage Recalculation
The 2018 living wage calculation for Simcoe County is $18.01.
The Poverty Reduction Task Group will identify future community planning priorities associated with the living wage, including an education and awareness campaign, engaging local employers, and encouraging participation in the Ontario Living Wage Network.
Food Security Forum was hosted by local partners, service providers and community leaders. The event was held on June 14, 2017 at the Simcoe County Museum. The forum was intended to identify action-oriented opportunities towards improving community and household food security in Simcoe County.
Here is a list of the presentations demonstrated at the Forum:
The County of Simcoe funds the position of the Food Coordinator of the Simcoe County Food Council through the Social and Community Investment Fund (SCIF). The Food Coordinator supports the community efforts of the Food Council.
The community-based Simcoe County Food Council (Food Council) will further coordination and collaboration of efforts, programs, and initiatives, to enhance community food security and decrease household food insecurity in Simcoe County. The Food Council will use the Simcoe County Food Security Framework (Framework) as a guide and menu of proposed actions items to support and advance.
In 2017, the County of Simcoe approved funding to support the development of a Simcoe County Food Security Framework. A Food Security Framework Advisory Committee was developed, comprised of community members and County staff. The firm of Eco-Ethonomics Inc. was contracted to undertake broad community consultation to develop the Framework.
Recommendations from the Simcoe County Food Security Framework included the development of a Simcoe County Food Council and the engagement of a community agency to host a related Community Coordinator position. The Food Council, led by the Community Coordinator, supports coordination and collaboration of food security efforts, programs, and initiatives, and leverages existing networks to better connect partners across Simcoe County.
The Food Council envisions a sustainable, equitable, and secure local food system in Simcoe County that recognizes food as a human right. It is an inter-connected food system where safe, sufficient, nutritious, culturally appropriate food is financially and physically accessible to everyone through dignified means, and where the people are actively working toward realizing a more food-secure Simcoe County.
Simcoe County Food Security Framework Goals
The Simcoe County Food Security Framework is a blueprint of proposed action items to achieve the Food Council’s goal for a food secure and sustainable Simcoe County. Goals focus on the following areas:
- Household food insecurity in Simcoe County
- Support income and housing solutions
- Increase physical access to sufficient nutritious food for all
- Improve community food literacy
- Support the local agri-food sector
- Foster Simcoe County’s food traditions and Indigenous food knowledge and culture
- Collaboration toward a food secure Simcoe County
Household Food Insecurity and Community Food Security
Two important but distinct concepts that impact the Food Council’s ability to be a food secure community. Both of these measures need to be addressed in the work the Food Council is doing.
Household Food Insecurity:
Household food insecurity is experienced when an individual or household lacks the financial resources to access food. Addressing household food insecurity requires specific income-related interventions.
Learn more about reducing household food insecurity:
Community Food Security:
Community food security is a condition in which all community residents have access to a safe, culturally appropriate, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes community self-reliance and social justice.
Key Documents
Simcoe County Food and Agriculture Charter
Simcoe County Food Security Framework (CCW 2019-086)
For more information about the Simcoe County Food Council and how it supports the community, contact:
The Food Council website can be found here:
Early Years Data
What is the EDI?
The EDI is a 103-item questionnaire completed by kindergarten teachers in the second half of the school year that measures children’s ability to meet age-appropriate developmental expectations in five general domains. After teachers complete the EDI on each individual child in their class, the results are grouped together to give a snap shot of how children are doing across schools, neighbourhoods, cities, or even provinces and countries. The EDI data can be helpful for a variety of different users. The Government can use EDI data to plan early childhood investment, inform policy and program development decisions, or evaluate programs. The use of EDI maps can help focus investments and identify the areas with the highest needs.
(Description taken from the EDI Offord Centre website )
EDI in Simcoe County
In Simcoe County, the EDI was completed for five cycles:
- Cycle 1: 2003-2006
- Cycle 3: 2009-2012
- Cycle 4: 2014/2015
- Cycle 5: 2017/2018
- Cycle 6: 2022/2023
EDI Data Reports
Cycle 6 (2022/2023)
- Summary Report (Simcoe and Ontario)
- 6 Cycles of the EDI (Simcoe and Ontario)
- EDI Results Presentation 2022
Cycle 5 (2017/2018)
- Summary Report (Simcoe and Ontario)
- 5 Cycles of the EDI (Simcoe and Ontario)
- EDI Results Presentation 2020
Please use the numbers in the reports above when reporting previous cycle data, for consistency and comparability purposes.
Below you will find reports from previous cycles (EDI collection periods). Please note that due to methodological changes over time, numbers in the older reports may not exactly match the ‘5 Cycles of the EDI’ report. An example of a change is that children are now required to have been in class for more than one month to be included in any analyses.
Cycle 4 (2014/2015)
- 2015 EDI Results Quick Sheet
- 2015 EDI Results Presentation Slide Deck
- EDI in Ontario Over Time (Cycle 1 – 4)
Cycle 3 (2009-2012)
- School Readiness: Children with Special Needs
- Reports by the 5 Domains
Cycle 1 (2003-2006)
For further information please contact the Community Services Department at 705-722-3132 or by email at
The Simcoe County Data Consortium is part of the Community Data Program, which is made up of a national network of community data consortia across Canada. For more information about the Simcoe County Data Consortium, visit