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Financial Assistance
People who qualify for Ontario Works Assistance will receive money to help cover the cost of their basic needs and shelter expenses
How to Apply
Find information on applying by telephone or online
MyBenefits is an online service that allows Ontario Works clients to get information, report income, daycare expenses and address changes
Ontario Works Benefits
Information on available supports and benefits for those receiving Ontario Works
Other Programs and Services
Assistance is available to help low income and non-social assistance recipients with certain uncovered medical expenses
Rates and Asset Levels
Amount of monthly assistance that a person can receive based on their unique circumstances
Printable forms for active recipients of Ontario Works
Locations and hours of operations for Ontario Works offices in Simcoe County
The County of Simcoe has taken steps to assist individuals and families who rely on Ontario Works for income and stability supports to continue to receive the best possible service during a potential Canada Post work stoppage.
Please review the below information regarding interim measures being implemented by Ontario Works as a result of the potential Canada Post work stoppage.
- Ontario Works payments and documents will not be mailed effective Monday November 11, 2024, as a result of a potential Canada Post work stoppage. Regular mail will resume when an agreement has been reached between Canada Post and CUPW.
- The deposit date of Direct Bank Deposits and Reloadable Payment Cards (RPC) will not be affected.
- It is your responsibility to report all income and any changes in your circumstances.
- Client and vendor cheques will be available for pick up daily at the local Ontario Works offices with the exception of Angus; if your local office is Angus, please contact your caseworker for more information.
Please Contact your local office if you:
- need to set up direct bank deposit or, if available, a reloadable payment card, so you can continue to get your payments
- need help signing up for MyBenefits to access your case information online
Ontario Works is a program which provides financial assistance and employment supports to people in financial need. The County of Simcoe Ontario Works Department delivers this program to eligible residents of the County of Simcoe and the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Please see the links above for information on the types of assistance and benefits that are available through the Ontario Works Department.
Related Links
For further information regarding resources available in your community please contact 211. 211 is a free, confidential province-wide helpline that simplifies finding support and community services for Ontario residents. 211 is accessible by telephone anytime by dialing 2-1-1 and is also available online at www.infosimcoecounty.ca.