About the County Of Simcoe
“Simcoe District” was established in 1843 by the Legislature of Upper Canada. Today, the Corporation of the County of Simcoe is comprised of sixteen towns and townships.
The County has an estimated population of over 530,000 people and is the largest County based on population and third largest based on physical size in Ontario.
As an “upper tier” municipality, the County of Simcoe is responsible for a range of municipal services which include social housing, land ambulance and emergency planning, environmental services (solid waste management), a County road system, Ontario Works, children’s services, homes for the aged, museum, archives, County forest management, tourism, a Geographic Information System (computer mapping), and land use policy planning.
The local, or “lower tier” municipalities are responsible for water and sewer services, local roads, public libraries, recreation services, fire and police services, land use development control, licensing, and permitting services.
The cities of Barrie and Orillia, although separate politically and administratively from the County, are geographically and economically part of the County. The County of Simcoe provides services such as long-term care, social services, and social housing to residents of the cities and the cities participate in funding for the archives and museum. City representatives serve on the County committees that oversee matters that relate to these departments.

County of Simcoe Mission, Vision and Values
- “Providing affordable, sustainable services and infrastructure through leadership and innovative excellence.”
- “Working together to build vibrant, healthy, sustainable communities.”
- Stewardship – Responsible Guardians for a Sustainable Future
- Leadership – Inspire, Empower, Lead by Example
- Integrity – Honesty, Trust and Transparency at all times
- Innovation – Creative, Progressive, Leading Edge Ideas
- Respect – Recognizing Individualism through Fair and Equitable Interaction
- Accountability – Commitment, Ownership and Follow through
- Co-operation – Positive Approaches to Partnerships, Team Work and Understanding

Land Acknowledgement
The County of Simcoe acknowledges that the land on which we gather today is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek (a-neesh-in-a-beck) Nation, which includes the Ojibwe (o-jib-way), Odawa (o-da-wa), and Pottawatomi (pot-a-wa-tom-ee) Nations, collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy.
We also recognize the Huron-Wendat, who occupied these lands prior to the middle of the 17th century.
We embrace the enduring presence and partnership of the Indigenous Peoples of this region including the Chippewa Tri – Council First Nations, comprised of the Beausoleil First Nation, the Chippewa’s of Rama, and the Georgina Island First Nation.
We would also like to recognize the diverse Métis and Inuit communities within our region.
The County of Simcoe is dedicated to honouring our Indigenous history and culture and is committed to coming together to learn, heal, and create future prosperity, respect and understanding in all of our communities.