Service Simcoe
Service Simcoe provides residents and visitors with a central point of contact to access County services and information.
Contact Service Simcoe
Address: | County of Simcoe Administration Centre, 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario L9X 1N6 |
Phone: | 705-735-6901 |
Toll Free: | 1-800-263-3199 Hearing & Voice Carry Over (HCO & VCO): 1-800-855-0511 |
Fax: | 705-719-4626 |
Email: | |
Service Simcoe Hours of Operation
For in-person visits, the Service Simcoe Contact Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
When visiting the Administration Centre, while we continue to be a mask-friendly building, masks are no longer mandatory. We do however encourage all visitors to continue exercising proper hand sanitization. Additional sanitization stations have been set up to accommodate this.
Frequently Asked Questions
Waste collection calendars will not be mailed to residents in 2025. Instead, the County of Simcoe is offering multiple, convenient options to access their waste schedule. Click here to learn more.
Our goal is to pick up your material on your scheduled day each week. We work with our contractor to minimize impacts and assist residents in knowing what to do when misses do occur.
As always, please remember to place your materials out by 7 a.m. and leave out until 8 p.m. on your regular collection day.
If your area (street/neighbourhood) is missed, please take the following steps:
Leave material curbside, or set back out the following day by 7 a.m. and leave out until 8 p.m. (one extra day only) and contact Service Simcoe at 1-800-263-3199 or as soon as you observe that you have been missed so that we may assist .
The County communicates collection impacts for your specific location and updates on returns through the Simcoe County Collects app, which is free to download on the App Store or GooglePlay. Notices are also posted in our Newsroom.
Click here for more tips and information on setting out waste to help increase timely and efficient collection.
The County of Simcoe offers curbside collection of leaf and yard waste in the Spring (beginning in April, for 4 weeks/zone), in the month of July, (2 weeks/zone) and again in the fall (beginning in October, for 5 weeks/zone).
Please see your paper copy or the online version of our 2024 Waste Management Calendar for your zone’s collection weeks. Outside of the collection weeks mentioned above, leaf and yard waste can be taken to the Waste Management Facilities free of charge, however, please note that the brush disposal rate is $75/metric tonne.
Looking at the 2024 Calendar and not sure which ‘zone’ you are?
To find out your collection day, simply type your address in the Solid Waste Collection Map search bar, and click on your home on the map, or contact Service Simcoe for assistance. For your convenience, you may also wish to use our Collection Calendar Tool.
Christmas trees are collected curbside* in the month of January (2 weeks/zone).
*Please be advised that Christmas trees taken to the Waste Management Facilities (landfills) are chargeable at the brush rate of $75/metric tonne.
Simcoe County residents (excluding residents of the cities of Barrie & Orillia) were provided with a set of three (3) carts per registered household for use in the new Automated Cart Collection program that commenced November 1, 2021.
Moving into a newly built home in the County of Simcoe or require assistance with existing carts at your new address? Please reach out to Service Simcoe.
The County of Simcoe operates a large or Bulky Item Collection Program. For further information or to book an appointment for collection, please contact Service Simcoe.
Don’t want to wait? Bulky items can be taken to a Waste Management Facility.
The County of Simcoe has extensive programs in place to help residents dispose of their Hazardous Waste responsibly. Please visit Solid Waste Management’s Household Hazardous Waste page for further information or alternatively, you may wish to visit the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority website.
If your garbage cannot fit into your garbage cart (with lid closed) it must be bagged separately and placed 2 feet apart from other cart or objects with a garbage tag affixed.
Maximum 5 tagged bags bi-weekly per property (in addition to your garbage cart) are permitted.
At Garbage Tags Outlets you can find a list of garbage tag vendors in your area.
There are currently eight sites residents of Simcoe County can access to dispose of materials. Please go to Landfill Sites and Transfer Stations to find the one most convenient to you, including the hours of operation.
The reduced load restriction period is yearly from March 1 to April 30.
Click HERE to view the list of affected roads in the County of Simcoe.
To find out your collection day, simply type your address in the Solid Waste Collection Map search bar and click on your home on the map or contact Service Simcoe for assistance. You may also wish to use the new Collection Calendar Tool.
* While we highly recommend that you download our free Simcoe County Collects app, (as the information provided in the app is specific to your address – so no guessing involved!), if you are unable to get the app, once you have determined your Zone using the Solid Waste Collection Map link above, simply find the current week in the 2024 Calendar and follow directions for what to set out for your specific zone.
Get the new ‘Simcoe County Collects’ App or if you prefer to receive service alerts & collection reminders via email, phone call, Twitter or iCal, Sign up here.
Local Municipalities have information on your property taxes. Please visit our Municipal Partners Page for contact information. If you are not sure which Municipality you reside in, please contact Service Simcoe.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, it may be necessary to cancel some Curbside Collections. Residents will be advised via the ‘Simcoe County Collects’ app or email/phone notifications. Updates can also be found on the main page of our website.
Various activities are permitted in many of the Simcoe County Forests. Some activities require permits, while many others are open for all to enjoy. For further information please visit the County of Simcoe Forest Recreation Policy or contact Service Simcoe.
The County of Simcoe’s Procurement, Fleet and Property Department manage all Tender Opportunities.