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Building an Age-Friendly Community

Age-Friendly Seniors Housing Grant Program


The 2025 Age-Friendly Seniors Housing Grant Program begins March 1st, 2025, and will run until May 31st, 2025. Application Forms will be available March 1st and the review process of all applications will begin after all applications are received, May 31st.

This program is for accessible, adaptable and inclusive designs for individuals 60+​.  ​For information on the Age-Friendly Seniors Housing Grant Program, please click on the following webpage: 

​​​Age-Friendly Business /
Or​​ganization Recognition Award Program ​

The 2025 Business/Organization Recognition Awards will launch May 1st, 2025

Helps business owners assess whether their business is designed to serve everyone. The program provides a guide, resources, tools and recognition to enable business owners to identify, promote and be recognized for implementing age-friendly practices. As our population ages, it makes viable business sense to adapt to meet changing needs.

Age-Friendly Individual Recognition and Achievement Award

The 2025 Age-Friendly Individual Recognition and Achievement Awards program will being May 1st, 2025! Nomination Forms will be available on the website May 1st, 2025.

The Age-Friendly Individual Recognition and Achievement Award recognizes an individual champion or older adult wh​o demonstrates an outstanding commitment to creating age-friendly community(s).  

About An Age-Friendly Simcoe County

From the World Health Organization (WHO) to our municipal government, there is a call for an age-friendly society.  The County of Simcoe recognizes the Age-Friendly Community (AFC) concept as an initiative that falls within their mandate and, in support of our aging population, has chosen to develop a framework for the communities that reside within its geographical area.  Developing a framework will help our community stakeholders identify, plan and address needs and priorities related to older adults in our area.  

How to Become Involved

Two levels of involvement and contact information are highlighted in ‘How to Become Involved’.  These criteria are intended to guide the planning process by involving seniors along the way towards developing the County’s Age-Friendly Community framework.​

Age-Friendly pic

2018-2023 Simcoe County Positive Aging Strategy

Simcoe county positive aging strategy

​Simcoe Commu​nity Transportation Portal

A partnership of trusted transportation providers, helping Simcoe County’s vulnerable get the transportation they need and helping seniors and people with disabilities get transportation to COVID-19 vaccines and other non-urgent medical appointments.​​​

Community Connection – A discussion on Social Isolation and Social Connection in Simcoe County

Community Connection is a non-profit information and referral service accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS). The core areas of work are providing call centre services for 211, a national 24/7 helpline that connects people to essential services; maintaining a database of community resources and supporting online directories for public access; and producing reports on community needs/trends, and service gaps to support community planning.  

A project team made up of a cross-sector of community leaders and service providers aimed to “Reducing Senior Social Isolation” in Simcoe County surveyed seniors during the month of September 2021 for feedback on their level of social activity, their interests and how best to become or stay involved in their communities in meaningful ways.  

Click on the links below to view the survey and survey results:


​​211 – How to​ Access​​​​ Help​

211 Ontario can help you find support. 211 Ontario is your primary source of information on government and community-based social services.  

senior lady transportation