Applications and fees
Fees and Charges
For additional information on applicable development charges, please see the Finance Department’s Development Charges webpage. Additional information regarding application and administration fees, including the Fees and Charges By-law can be found under the Fees and Charges section of the Financial Information webpage.
For more detailed information as it relates to specific areas that County Planning staff examine when reviewing development applications, please visit the County Planning Interests webpage.

Development Charges Background Study
Hemson Consulting Ltd. was retained by the County of Simcoe to complete a Development Charges (DC) Background Study. This 2021 Development Charges Background Study provides the basis and background to update the County’s development charges to accurately reflect the servicing needs of new development in Simcoe.
Applications and Study Requirements
Draft Plan of Subdivision Application
Draft Plan of Condominium Application
Pre-consultation Form
County of Simcoe Official Plan Amendment Submission Form
Engineering Review Application
For application forms and information regarding D4 (Assessment Area) Guidelines and study requirements, please visit the D4 Information webpage.
Traffic Impact Study (TIS) Requirements
Stormwater Management Reports & Requirements
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Requirements
The requirement for the completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a process that has become entrenched in current environmental planning processes throughout the Province of Ontario. The intent is that an individual proposing development must demonstrate that the development will not negatively impact the features and functions for which an area has been identified. Such studies must be completed by a consultant qualified to make such determinations and an explanation of these qualifications must be appended to any submitted study.
The County works in partnership, through agreements, with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Severn Sound Environmental Association, and also with our member municipalities to avoid duplication of the production and content of EIS’s.
Where the Local Municipal Official Plan is in conformity with the County of Simcoe Official Plan, the responsibility for the approval and implementation of an EIS rests with the approval authority for the development application. Where the local Official Plan does not conform to the County Official Plan, the County retains the approval and implementation responsibilities for an EIS for all development applications.