County Road 22
The County Road 22 (Horseshoe Valley Road) project in Oro-Medonte will construct illuminated roundabouts at the intersections of County Road 22 with 3rd Line, Horseshoe Boulevard (entrance to Horseshoe Valley Resort), and 4th Line. The project will also widen County Road 22 between 3rd Line and 4th Line to add passing lanes on steep sections.
These roadway and intersection improvements will improve safety along County Road 22, address growth and planned developments in the area, and improve the overall condition of County Road 22 with new pavement, paved shoulders, steel beam guiderail, stormwater infrastructure, and line painting.
The project is currently at the 90% design stage.
- 2023: Hydro One pole relocations
- 2024: Continue Hydro One pole relocations, followed by Bell relocations. Begin site preparation including retaining wall construction and grading
- 2025: Continue site preparation. Enbridge Gas relocations
- 2026: Construct roundabout at CR 22 and Horseshoe Resort Entrance
- 2027 and beyond: Construct roundabouts at CR 22 and 3rd Line, and CR 22 and 4th Line. Construct climbing lanes on CR 22 between 3rd Line 3 and 4th Line. The order of these phases has not yet been determined.
Past Public Information Centre
A Schedule C Municipal Class EA was completed in 2017. As part of this EA process various studies and assessments were performed including the review of traffic and speed limits, natural heritage impacts, archaeology, noise, hydrology, and intersection control options. Three Public Information Centres were held between 2013 and 2016 to provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide input. The Environmental Study Report provides a summary of the options considered, studies performed, and outcomes of the Public Information Centres.
Claire Walker, P.Eng. PMP
Project Engineer
County of Simcoe Transportation & Engineering
1110 Highway 26
Midhurst, Ontario L9X 1N6
T: 705-726-9300 Ext: 1168
*Please note 112166 ESR Report (Oct-30-17) – Volume 2 is available upon request.