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10-Year Strategy

Our Community 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy


The Housing Our Future: 2023 Annual Report tracks progress achieved between January 1​, 2023 – December 31, 2023, towards the implementation of Our Community 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy

View the full report here.​

About Our Strategy


Approved by Simcoe County Council in January 2014, Our Community 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy outlines​​ steps for the development and implementation of creative solutions for increasing affordable housing for all residents in Simcoe County. To achieve a range of affordable housing options and ensure greater access to affordable housing for County residents, the County has committed to a minimum target of 2,685 new affordable housing units throughout the region​ by 2024.​


To promote, provide and protect a range of housing options throughout the County of Simcoe.

The 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy outlines the strategic opportunities and priority activities to be implemented by the County of Simcoe and its municipal partners between Janu­ary 1, 2014 and January 1, 2024.

The ​successful implementation of this Strategy will ensure that housing and support needs of County residents are met and that communities in the County are poised to socially and economically succeed in the future.

​Adequate, appropriate and affordable housing for all Simcoe County residents.​

We Value…

  • Access to housing options and necessary supports throughout the life cycle.
  • Diversity in our housing stock, ensuring variety of tenure, affordability, style, and proximity to amenities.
  • Housing as a vehicle for improved health, community vitality, civic engagement, economic prosperity and social sustainability.
  • Collaboration amongst levels of government, community partners and systems, recognizing that the need for safe, affordable, healthy housing connects all of our mandates as we strive for people-centered solutions.
  • Support for the critical role of the private sector in the creation of housing stock.
  • Social sustainability and inclusivity for all local residents, regardless of economics and tremendous population growth.
  • Financial stewardship in maintaining existing government-assisted housing, investing in additional affordable housing, and helping people move from homelessness into housing.​

Virtual Forums​​​

​If you missed our Affordable Housing Virtual Forums, watch this video.


Throughout June and early July, the County of Simcoe conducted telephone interviews with several community stakeholders representing various interests from the public, private and non-profit sector’s development of ​​a new 10-year affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy.​

Thank you to everyone who participated!

County staff are now busy preparing a report to share this data and a summary of What We Heard. 

To learn how the County is Building Up its residents through many other affordable and attainable housing initiatives, visit 

Check this site for ongoing updates and completed project reports. ​​

Throughout May and June, the County of Simcoe hosted an online survey to gather resident feedback to inform the development of ​​a new 10-year affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy.

Thank you to everyone who participated!

The survey received thousands of responses, and County staff are now busy preparing a report to share this data and a summary of What We Heard.

To learn how the County is Building Up its residents through many other affordable and attainable housing initiatives, visit 

Check this site for ongoing updates and completed project reports. ​

The County continues to create and fund affordable housing units through its affordable housing and homelessness prevention plan.  

As much has changed over the past ten years, the County is developing a modernized affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy that will address the complex needs of the community based on current data and local needs.  Throughout 2023, the County will consult with community partners, industry leaders, and the public to create an​ updated plan for developing affordable and attainable housing options to address residents’ needs throughout various life stages. ​​​