Tenant and Landlord Resources
Tenant Resources
Resources for Tenants Facing Eviction:
When it comes to rental housing, both property owners and tenants maintain certain rights and responsibilities. The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 protects tenants from unlawful rent increases and unlawful evictions.
It is important to know that upon receiving a Notice of Eviction, a tenant does not have to immediately move out.
If you are facing an eviction, the following resources can provide you with information to determine if the eviction is legal:
Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 17
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
Legal Aid Ontario
Landlord and Tenant Board, Tribunals Ontario
Landlord Resources
When it comes to rental housing, both property owners and tenants maintain certain rights and responsibilities. A landlord may only end a tenancy for reasons allowed by The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA).
If you are a landlord, experiencing challenges with a tenancy there are a number of resources available to support you in mediation and resolution with your existing tenant(s). Should you choose to proceed with an eviction, or if you are selling your property, you must take the appropriate steps as outlined by the RTA.