211 Ontario
211 is a free, confidential, national helpline that simplifies finding support and community services for individuals and families.
211’s Community Navigators help people find basic needs such as food, housing and emergency financial assistance. They connect those in need with agencies who can help someone cope with health issues or support elderly citizens stay in their own homes. 211’s Community Navigators are also there to support staff and volunteers at agencies who are in need of information about community services for their clients.
When you dial 2-1-1, you reach a real person, 24/7, who is highly trained to listen and help. The 211 phone service offers interpreters in 170 languages. Other service options include:
- Texting 211 or accessing Live Chat available Monday to Friday 7am – 9pm
- TTY service is available through 1-888-340-1001
- Online search and Live Chat is available at www.infosimcoecounty.ca
The 211 service in Simcoe County is delivered by Community Connection, a professionally accredited information and referral agency located in Collingwood.