The County of Simcoe Paramedic Services is responsible for the safe storage and proper release of all personal health information in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
Release of Ambulance Call Report – Patient
Submit a request to the Professional Practice Unit by one of the methods listed below. As per the County’s Fees and Charges By-law there will be a processing fee (current fee: $30.00), payable by cash or cheque to the County of Simcoe. Proper consents and/or photo identification is required prior to the release of personal health information.
1110 Highway 26
Midhurst, ON L9X 1N6
Attention: Paramedic Services Professional Practice Unit
Professional Practice Supervisor
Professional Practice Administrative Assistant
705-726-9300, extension 1471

Release of Ambulance Call Report – Family, Friend or Legal Representative
If you are NOT the patient and you require any documentation pertaining to an emergency call, an authorization form must be completed by the patient, patient’s guardian or next of kin giving the County of Simcoe Paramedic Services authorization to release the documentation to you. As per the County’s Fees and Charges By-law there will be a processing fee (current fee: $30.00), payable by cash or cheque to the County of Simcoe. Proper consents and/or photo identification is required prior to the release of personal health information.
Please use the Authorization to Disclose Personal Information form.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Law Enforcement Agents, who require documentation pertaining to an active investigation, please use the Law Enforcement Information Request Form.

Hospital Representative
Hospital Representatives, who require patient documentation, please use the Institution Information Request Form.
Court Related Information
Paramedics are often called to provide witness testimony to the events which occurred while performing their duties. The Professional Practice Unit is responsible for the administration of all legal documents and appearances. All subpoenas and court related documentation must be forwarded to the Professional Practice Unit at the County Administration Centre for processing and issuance.
Legal Documents can be forwarded to the following address:
County of Simcoe Paramedic Services
Professional Practice Unit
1110 Highway 26
Midhurst, Ontario
L9X 1N6