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Rates and Asset Levels

​​​​​The table below illustrates the maximum amount of monthly assistance that a person can receive for basic needs and shelter based on their family composition, age of their dependents and accommodation costs.  These amounts may vary if a recipient or spouse has income from any other source.  Income can be from any source such as earnings, Canada Pension, Child Support, etc.  Some income such as tax refunds, Ontario Child Benefit, Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), etc., must be declared but are not deducted from a person’s entitlement.   

​​Family Size​Maximum Monthly Allowance
​Single Person (no spouse or children)​$733
​Recipient and a spouse (no children)​$1,136
​Recipient, spouse and one child under the age of 18​$1,191
​Recipient and two children under the age of 18 (no spouse)​$1,057
​Recipient, spouse and three children under the age of 18​$1,309

The table below illustrates the maximum amount of assets a person can have based on their family composition and number of dependents.  Some assets such as Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP), Pensions locked in under the Canada Pension Act, equity in a principal residence, etc., must be declared but are not considered when calculating the total amount of a person’s assets

Family Size​Maximum Asset Level
​Single Person (no spouse or children)​$10,000
​Recipient and their spouse (no children)​$15,000
​Recipient, spouse and one child​$15,500
​Recipient and one child (no spouse)​$10,500
​Recipient, one child plus additional children (no spouse)​$10,500+ $500 for each additional child
​Recipient, spouse with one child plus additional children​$15,500 + $500 for each additional child