2018 Multiculturalism through Education Winner: Chris Hadfield Elementary School
The school administration reviewed promising practices, including visiting a model school in the Toronto District School Board to deepen and broaden their approach.
Vice Principal Natalie Edgar developed an extensive collection of elementary and secondary books to ensure diverse representation. The collection has since been expanded to all schools in Simcoe County.
The administrators and staff ensure they know their learners and families. They host coffee houses to get to know parents and guardians and invite families to share their culture, language and expertise in areas of interest. An excellent example of inclusion is when the administration intentionally reached out to newcomers to invite them to participate in the School Council, which has ensured diverse representation.
The attitude in this school is that linguistic, cultural and creed diversity are a strength to be leveraged in learning, rather than a challenge, obstacle or deficit.
It is a school wide effort. From students and teachers, support staff, office staff and custodial staff.