The primary role of the County Clerk is to perform the statutory duties assigned to the position by provincial legislation (the Municipal Act and other related Acts and Regulations) and County Council including: recording and maintaining records of all resolutions, decisions, by-laws and other proceedings of Council and Committees, as well as overseeing a broad range of responsibilities related to the function of County Council. The County Clerk reports to the Chief Administrative Officer.
The County Clerk’s Department delivers the following services:
- Organizes meetings of County Council and its committees to facilitate government decision making
- Prepares agendas for all Council, committee, sub-committee and advisory committee meetings, including scheduling delegations and presentations and preparing by-laws, resolutions, etc
- Maintains a record of proceedings of all Council, committee, sub-committee and advisory committee meetings. The proceedings of Council and Committee are retained permanently
- Maintains County by-laws and by-law directory. Original signed by-laws are retained permanently
- Ensures that Council decisions are communicated as required, in a timely manner, and provides notice to affected parties as required by statute, i.e. Planning Act Notices
- Processes appeals received under the Planning Act in co-ordination with the Planning Department for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board
- Co-ordinates appointments of citizens and members of Council to committees and special purpose bodies.
- Oversees the County’s Records Management program, including Corporate Access and Privacy
- Oversees accessibility for persons with disabilities in accordance with provincial legislation