The County of Simcoe is pleased to present its 2023 annual status report that demonstrates the progress taken to implement the 2019-2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, as required by the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
The County’s 2019-2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was developed in conjunction with persons with disabilities and the County’s Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee and subsequently approved by County Council on May 22, 2018. The final plan is posted on the County’s website and internal intranet and is made available in alternate formats as requested. This annual report is the final one under the 2019-2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. The 2024-2028 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was reviewed by the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) and formally approved by County Council on November 28, 2023. The plan took effect on January 1, 2024.
The Accessibility Annual Status Report for 2023 highlights the County of Simcoe’s efforts to implement the accessibility standards and remove barriers to its services over the past year. The County continually strives to ensure the services, programs and facilities that it operates are open and accessible to everyone. The County takes pride in its commitment to accessibility and awareness in meeting and exceeding the requirements of the AODA.
2023 marked the first full year of a return to normal service following the COVID-19 pandemic. While operations have returned to their pre-pandemic level, the County has incorporated many of the learnings of that period to improve the accessibility of its services. Practices such as an expansion of remote access to services and electronic solutions have been retained while resuming standard in-person services allowing for greater choice for residents and visitors alike.
With StatsCan reporting that at least 27% of Canadians now identify with at least one disability, the County recognizes that it can and must do more for such a significant segment of its residents. The County acknowledges the incredible contributions that people with disabilities make to life in Simcoe County, and will always continue to foster respect, inclusion and understanding throughout the region.
This report and other accessibility information related to the County’s programs and services will be made available in alternative formats upon request and are posted to the County of Simcoe’s website.
The County of Simcoe is committed to providing people with disabilities consistent opportunity and access to County of Simcoe goods, services, and facilities. The County will ensure that policies, procedures, and practices are provided in a manner that is timely and addresses integration, independence, dignity, and equal opportunity. The County will endeavour to follow the compliance schedule within the legislation when implementing each of the requirements addressed in this policy.
The County of Simcoe participates as a member of a Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee with the Township of Oro-Medonte, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio, Township of Springwater, Township of Tay and Town of Midland. The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee advises the Councils of the participating municipalities on matters regarding the accessibility of their owned and operated facilities as well as programs and services offered by the municipalities.
In the fall of 2023, Council for the Town of Midland formally joined the Joint AAC with the support of Midland Council and County Council. The Town of Midland appointed a citizen representative to the committee and participated in the final AAC meeting of 2023. The Town of Midland are expected to begin full participation on the AAC in early 2024.
Although the County of Simcoe, Township of Springwater, Township of Tay, Township of Oro-Medonte, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio and Town of Midland have a Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee, the five participating municipalities continue to maintain and implement separate multi-year accessibility plans and prepare separate annual status reports.
The members of the 2022-2026 Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee are listed below:
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Members
- Doug Mein, Chair (Citizen Appointee)
- Lisa Cohen, Vice-Chair (Citizen Appointee)
- Caleb Brohm (Citizen Appointee)
- Lindsay Ann Cox (Citizen Appointee)
- Jan Dobson-Rose (Citizen Appointee)
- Steven Laurin (Citizen Appointee)
- Melissa Swales (Citizen Appointee)
- County Councillor Sean Miskimins (County of Simcoe)
- Councillor Matt Garwood (Township of Springwater)
- Councillor Gerard LaChapelle (Township of Tay)
- Councillor Ron O’Leary (Township of Adjala-Tosorontio)
- Councillor Robert Young (Township of Oro-Medonte)

The Clerk’s Department maintained membership in the Ontario Network of Accessibility Professionals (ONAP), which is comprised of staff at municipalities and other broader public sector organizations across Ontario. The Clerk’s Department maintained regular contact with the group via email in order to share information and resources and discuss accessibility questions and concerns. County staff participated in the 2023 ONAP Conference held in Waterloo in April 2023. Additionally, staff participated in planning for the fall 2023 ONAP Conference.
Staff were also engaged by the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility in the planning of a networking event between members of ONAP and the Ministry planned for early 2024. In all instances, staff took the opportunity to highlight matters of importance to the County and AAC members to relevant decision makers with both ONAP and the Ministry.
County staff continue to connect with accessibility professionals both internally and externally to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards and accessibility best practice.
The County of Simcoe believes that recognition and awareness of the lives and accomplishments of people with disabilities is essential to true representation in the Community. Council of the County of Simcoe issued proclamations for National Accessibility Week (May 28 – June 3, 2023) and International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3, 2023). Various press releases were issued for major accessibility achievements such as the 2022 Annual Accessibility Status Report and the 2023 Age-Friendly Seniors Housing Grant.
This annual status report outlines the County of Simcoe’s accessibility activities and accomplishments over the past year. This report meets the annual status reporting that is required by the IASR under the AODA and will be posted on the County’s website.
The County of Simcoe and participating municipalities prepared a 2023 Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Work Plan. The work plan outlined projects and tasks for the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2023.
The County continued to monitor changes to legislation and the IASR including reports of the Provincial government and associated review bodies.
Customer Service
The County of Simcoe maintained its compliance with the Customer Service Standards, including the legislative requirements for use of service animals, support persons, and assistive devices. The County notified the public when there was a service disruption to facilities, programs and services that are used by persons with disabilities. Training on accessible customer service is provided to all new employees, as part of the County’s “Creating an Accessible Simcoe County” training program on the Learning Management System.
Service Simcoe continues to track and respond to all feedback, concerns, and requests from residents. Responses were provided in a timely manner and considered each person’s needs and the County’s ability to meet those needs and requests. Accessibility related topics of particular note to residents included:
- Access to LINX+ Specialized Transit service
- Accessibility features of LINX and LINX+ vehicles and stop locations
- Accessibility Planning and Reporting
The County continued to provide training on the AODA and its Regulations, the Ontario Human Rights Code, and general accessibility and disability awareness to County of Simcoe employees. Records are kept on the completion of the training as per the legislative requirements. In 2023, 114 employees of the County completed all four modules of the Accessibility Training e-learning program. Additionally, 297 new employees completed the accessibility modules of the new employee orientation e-learning program.
Information and Communication
Accessible formats and Communication Support
The County of Simcoe continued to incorporate accessibility features into both internal and external documents created by its many Departments. Considerations include font size and style, color contrast, spacing, use of white space, and use of formatting techniques such as bold, italics, underlining and use of capital letters. In addition, the County provided documents in alternative format and/or with communication support, upon request.
The County of Simcoe continues to utilize a software application called Siteimprove to regularly check the accessibility features of the public website, based on criteria set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). The County of Simcoe’s Information Technology Department and web content contributors receive regular reports on the accessibility of their Department’s webpages including PDF documents. Siteimprove identifies any formatting or style errors on webpages as well as incorrect HTML codes and highlights those errors so they can be fixed.
County staff are in the process of developing a new corporate website that will include enhanced accessibility features and ensure compliance with WCAG 2.0 standards. The updated Simcoe.com website is set to be launched in early 2024.
Accessible Employment Policies and Procedures
The County of Simcoe recognizes that only through a diversity of viewpoints and lived experiences of our staff can we most appropriately service our residents. The County of Simcoe maintained its compliance with the employment standard by monitoring and documenting employment policies and procedures, where required, to provide accommodations in all stages of hiring and employment. Accessible formats and communications supports are made available to employees as required. The County communicates to employees about workplace emergency response information and plans. A comprehensive return to work process for individuals dealing with both short and long-term disabilities is in place to ensure that staff are accommodated in a manner suitable to their abilities, either temporarily or permanently.
The County of Simcoe is working to expand messaging both internal and external regarding its commitment to accessible employment and workplace accommodations to ensure that the County employs a workforce to best support the needs of Simcoe County residents.

Transit plays a crucial role in the ability for people with disabilities to fully engage in the services, programs and facilities available across the region. The County of Simcoe is committed to ensuring the transit services it provides meet the highest standards of accessibility to achieve this goal. The County of Simcoe continues to operate and expand both conventional and specialized transit through its LINX and Linx Plus (“LINX+”) programs. Specialized transit provides a vital on-demand point to point transit service for qualified individuals in a timely manner at no additional cost over conventional transit. LINX transit experienced a significant year-over-year increase in ridership of both its conventional and specialized transit services. The County takes pride in ensuring the highest standards of accessibility in its transit service is provided to its ridership.
The County has continued to ensure its compliance with the Transportation Standards Regulation. This includes:
- Ensuring current information regarding specialized transit, conventional transit, routes and services available are posted for the public’s information on the County’s website.
- Providing appropriate notice of service interruptions for both conventional and specialized transit and taking reasonable steps to accommodate people with disabilities in the event of non-functioning equipment.
- Providing notice to the public of accessible equipment and features of all vehicles, routes and services, and providing said information in accessible formats upon request.
- Ensuring its operator First Student trains all transit operators on accessible service as well as job-specific training for:
- The safe use of accessibility equipment and features;
- Acceptable modifications to procedures in situations where temporary barriers exist, or accessibility equipment on a vehicle fails;
- Emergency preparedness and response procedures that provide for the safety of persons with disabilities;
- Ensuring mobility aids and assistive devices are stored safely within reach of the person with the disability who uses the assistive device at no charge.
- Receiving, evaluating and responding to feedback from members of the public on accessibility matters and barriers to service.
- An application process for visitors to the County of Simcoe who wish to temporarily access specialized transportation services that ensures appropriate access to qualified individuals while offering the same fares and hours of service as conventional transit.
The County continued to operate para-transit vehicles at the long-term care facilities for resident transport. Inspection occurred regularly to ensure accessible and safe transport and to meet requirements of applicable legislation such as the Highway Traffic Act. Equivalent services are available upon request should the long-term care vehicles not be accessible to all residents.
The County of Simcoe continued to operate its conventional and specialized public transit system that links major urban hubs’ local transit authorities with the County of Simcoe. LINX+ provides services to people with disabilities, including a fleet of accessible minibuses. For those individuals who cannot use conventional Transit, LINX Plus offers door-to-door service with specialized vehicles within one 1km of our conventional routes. Throughout 2023, average trip distance continued to grow as ridership increased, especially during peak periods.
- 2023 Ridership
- Conventional – 253,240 (forecast)
- Specialized – 1608
Ridership for specialized transit in 2023 saw significant growth, with a total of 1,608 riders. This figure represents an increase of 33.33% from 2022. From January 2023 to December 2023, 140 applications were received for specialized transit. This was the highest number of applications in a single year, representing an 87% increase in applications over 2022. In instances where applications were refused, County staff followed up with the applicant to make them aware of their status and to help them resubmit their application. Residents can learn more about the accessible transit service on the LINX+ accessible transit website.
Seven new stops have been added to the existing six transit routes to providing greater accessibility and transit options for residents across Simcoe County and beyond. LINX Transit completed a thorough assessment of transit stop hazards and ensured compliance with the AODA at County stops in 2023. Transit bookings have been streamlined through an automated scheduling system as a way to decrease wait times and improve efficiency of service.
Development began on a comprehensive passenger assistance program to provide additional support to individuals with mobility challenges during their transit experience. The transit passenger assistance program will enhance the overall experience and accessibility of public transportation for individuals with unique needs or those requiring additional support.
2023 saw the approval of a new Transportation Master Plan by the Council of the County of Simcoe. As part of this process, a five-year Transit Plan and a 10-year Transit Vision will be developed to better serve all transit customers while ensuring the highest level of accessibility. The County welcomes any feedback, suggestions or improvements to enhance accessibility of services during the development of these vital steering documents.
As per the AODA, LINX Plus allows registered visitors from other municipalities to access LINX+ services. Registered users of LINX Plus from Simcoe County also are provided with the benefit of accessing other specialized transit agencies’ services throughout the GTHA through our Cross-Boundary agreements. Current partnerships include the City of Barrie, City of Orillia, York Region, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), and others.
In-person operator training resumed following the pandemic, with each session spanning 24 hours and covering a comprehensive curriculum that includes defensive driving, customer service, AODA compliance and accessible customer service, mobility aid securements, and other accessibility related topics.
Transit Vehicle Standards
All transit vehicles are sourced through a procurement process that ensures the inclusion of all required accessible features such as:
- Priority seating for people with disabilities adjacent to entrances/exits
- Visual and verbal announcements of routes and stops
- Lifting devices, stop request buttons, and grab bars
In June 2023, LINX Transit ordered four fully accessible conventional buses and one specialized for delivery in early 2025.
In spring 2023, the County of Simcoe underwent an AODA desk audit of its transit vehicles by the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility. This comprehensive Provincial audit reviewed the County’s transit fleet for compliance with the transportation standards. The County provided policies, procedures, videos and images showing full compliance with various aspects of the transportation standards including:
- Accessible vehicle procurement
- Pre-boarding and on-board announcements
- Allocated mobility aid spaces
- Stop requests and emergency responses controls
- Lighting and flooring
- Lifting devices

Design of Public Spaces (Built Environment)
Barrier-free Design Features in County Facilities
The County continued to incorporate accessible features in renovations and upgrades to facilities. Ontario Building Code requirements are followed, and consideration is given to barrier-free design features that improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.
The 2023 Age Friendly Seniors Housing Grant was launched for retrofit and upgrades for accessibility modifications to units to allow seniors to live independently in their communities for as long as possible. A total of $500,000 is available annually for eligible Seniors Housing grant projects to finance accessible improvements such as ramps, handrails, chair and bath lifts, grab bars, and more. In 2023, the County of Simcoe supported 83 age-friendly projects: 50 bathroom modifications, 16 stair lifts, 16 ramps, handrails or entranceways, and one dementia related modification.
Accessible modifications to the County’s existing community and social housing stock continues with the addition of accessible units and accessible features such as elevators at a variety of sites. The County received a Seniors Community Grant which was used to buy raised garden beds at County owned Seniors’ Campuses allowing for accessible gardening by residents.
Departmental Initiatives
The Solid Waste Management Department allows residents to swap the size of the waste collection cart to a smaller size for easier manoeuverability through the Waste Cart Accommodation program. If a resident is unable to roll their cart to the curb for collection they are able to fill out an application to be evaluated for an accessibility accommodation.
Informing residents of changes to waste collection in an accessible manner remains a priority for the County. The Solid Waste Management Department advertises collections information in multiple ways including mailing directly to the homeowner notices of changes, a calendar which is available in an accessible format, online on the County website and social media platforms, radio advertising, the Simcoe County Collects App and the Service Simcoe staff are available to answer questions by phone or email.
A refresh of the Positive Aging Strategy was undertaken in 2023 including the release of a positive aging survey to better understand the most pressing age-friendly priorities in the community and gather feedback on priorities implemented as part of the 2018-2023 plan.
The Age-Friendly Advisory Committee consists of approximately 40 members. The committee continues to meet quarterly. The goal of the committee is to engage community members to provide feedback and identify priorities included within the WHO Age-Friendly framework that focuses on the eight domains within our communities. To increase awareness in communities, share best practices and identify new initiatives to help support healthy aging. A representative of the Clerk’s Department joined the Age-Friendly Advisory Committee in fall 2023 to provide input and expertise on accessibility matters to staff.
Ontario Works Policies & procedures have been updated to allow flexibility for the circumstances to offer home visits. Caseworkers now conduct home visits to drop off documents, meet with individuals for document signing for those individuals facing barriers to attending on-site appointments.
The use of email and other electronic communications means initially piloted during the pandemic has been formally embedded into the Ontario Works service delivery model. This has assisted in enhanced communication between the department and the public. This has allowed for greater access to documentation, allowed embedding hyperlinks of services into a document supporting those with literacy, cognitive, or ABIs to better able navigate resources and/or access supports. Where possible, phone updates are now included as a regular service delivery practice.
In October 2023, a Special Caution and Service Delivery Flag review began to ensure that all files are reviewed and updated accordingly. This will allow those with visual impairments, hearing, physical, cognitive, or significant mental health concerns to be captured and appropriate case management and service delivery steps taken.
Contact Information
This Accessibility Annual Status Report for 2023 will be available on the County of Simcoe’s website and internal Intranet.
This document will be available in alternate format or with communication support, upon request.
The County of Simcoe welcomes all questions and comments on the 2023 Annual Status Report and accessibility matters in general. Please contact the County in person, by mail, telephone, email or fax.
County of Simcoe
Clerk’s Department
1110 Highway 26
Midhurst, ON L9X 1N6
Telephone: 705-726-9300 Extension 1305
Toll Free: 1-866-896-9300
Customer Service: 705-735-6901
Fax: 705-725-1285
Email: clerks@simcoe.ca