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Simcoe County Council Minutes, 1846-1952 Background Image

Simcoe County Council Minutes, 1846-1952

These files were created from digitized microfilm. Due to a variety of factors, including the condition of the originals, past penmanship practice, typing equipment, and the nature of the digitization process, some files are more legible than others. If you find a file that is difficult to read, you may access the original microfilm at the Simcoe County Archives.

Starting in 1924, minutes were typed. Typed files are searchable. To search an open pdf in most pdf readers, press CTRL F and enter your search terms. However, due to errors of accuracy and precision by optical character recognition software and the factors listed above researchers are urged to read through the minutes instead of relying solely on the search feature.

Each pdf file contains one month of minutes. Some Council sessions continued into the following month and thus span two files.

To view the minutes, please click on a date range below.

From 1870 to 1879

From 1900 to 1909