Forest Conservation By-laws have traditionally been referred to as tree cutting by-laws and have existed in Ontario for over 50 years. These by-laws are intended to ensure that privately-owned forests are harvested on a sustainable basis and to regulate the clearing of forests.
The Forest Conservation By-law regulates:
- properties at least one hectare (2.47 acres) in size
- commercial harvesting
- clearing of forests
The Objectives of the By-law are to:
- conserve the forest landscape and prevent over harvesting
- protect Sensitive Natural Areas
- encourage ‘good forestry practices’
- ensure a sustainable supply of timber for industry and landowners
This By-law Does Not:
- regulate properties less than one hectare (2.47 acres) in size
- regulate or restrict cutting in order to erect a building where approvals or permits are in place
- prevent landowners from cutting wood on their own property for their own use providing the forest remains a woodland
Conservation Forester
Telephone: (705) 721-6242