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Update on Regional Waste Management Facility

Midhurst/February 27, 2024 – Today, County of Simcoe Committee of the Whole preliminarily approved through a unanimous recommendation that the County of Simcoe secure a long-term, external organics processing contract instead of pursuing the development of the Environmental Resource Recovery Centre (ERRC) at this time. The recommendation will be further reviewed and potentially endorsed at County Council on March 12, 2024.

If ratified, County Council will direct staff to enter into both short-term and long-term contracts for external vendors outside the County to receive and process the County’s organic waste. The contract structures allow the County to have better cost certainty for at least the next 23 years. A key factor in the decision by Council was the potential estimated cost savings of more than $200 million long-term by not pursuing the ERRC development at this time.

“The ERRC project made financial and operational sense in 2016-17, and we would be in a strong position had it been built on our original schedule. However, so much has changed within the waste management sector during the appeal process. Organics processing costs have been driven down due to increase supply and processing capacity in Ontario, through new legislation the private sector will soon be managing recycling collection removing the need for us to have a large transfer facility, and inflation has significantly driven up the costs of construction and necessary technologies.

Given that the landscape is now so different, this is a prudent and responsible decision to change our course and save taxpayers’ dollars before any major expenses occur.”

Warden Basil Clarke, County of Simcoe

“It’s been a long process, and I thank staff for having the foresight to bring forward new and alternative solutions. This project and its location understandably captured the attention of neighbouring property owners in our Township, and we thank them for their continued engagement through this process. Given rising construction costs and the changes within the waste sector, moving on from the ERRC project is the right thing to do.”

Deputy Warden Jennifer Coughlin, Mayor of Springwater Township

About the ERRC Project

Initial review and approvals to pursue the ERRC project were established 2010-2012. The proposed ERRC included an organics processing area, a materials transfer area, vehicle servicing area and a public education space to support waste diversion and awareness, among other operational components. A County-owned location in Springwater Township (2976 Horseshoe Valley Road West) went through an extensive siting, consultation, study, appeal and approval process, and was ultimately rezoned by the Province and County for waste management purposes. With Council’s new direction on this project, future use and zoning of the property will be brought to Council at a later date. In the interim, the property will remain part of the County’s public forestry program (which is the largest forestry program in Ontario). While significant studies were undertaken on the site, and the lengthy process included both planning and legal efforts, construction had not started and as such the site remains untouched.

Council will review this recommendation at its meeting on March 12, 2024. If approved, all parties, including our community engagement list, will be notified and staff will undertake further procurement and contractual efforts (as per Council direction).

About County of Simcoe

County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at