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County of Simcoe and City of Orillia creating conditions for attainable housing across the region

Midhurst/September 28, 2023 – The County of Simcoe and the City of Orillia are partnering to build up our communities through a new Housing Attainable Supply Action Plan (Housing ASAP). This plan will support residents in the “missing middle » who are looking for housing at a reasonable price in the communities that they love.

The Housing ASAP project will help the governments create the conditions needed for more attainable housing offered by the private market in communities throughout the region. It aims to identify and develop strategies and tactics for the regional and local governments to implement or advocate for over the next five years.

This project will answer three fundamental questions related to attainable housing within Simcoe County and the City of Orillia:

  1. What is Attainable?  In each sub-region of the County, what is the target sale price and target rent that is within reach of the working individual and family?
  2. What is Missing?  What are the number and types of dwellings that need to be integrated into each sub-region for the private sector to deliver market-based housing that is attainable?
  3. How can we Help?  What can municipalities do to help facilitate the attainable units that are needed?

The project has been divided into four components:

  • Component 1 – Gap Analysis, Background Review
  • Component 2 – Public and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Component  3 – Best Practices & Potential Solutions Review
  • Component 4 – Recommended Action

Information, including a Housing Needs Assessment, will be provided to Councils in Orillia and the County in the coming weeks. Details can be found in the City of Orillia’s Council Information Package​ and on the County of Simcoe’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee agendas. The n​​ext step of the project will be to garner public and stakeholder input later this fall.

Housing Continuum2023

The housing continuum represents the spectrum of housing types available from very low to above moderate-income households. Housing ASAP focuses on the areas from « Affordable Rental Housing » to « Market Home Ownership » portion of the Housing Continuum.

Attainable Housing is sometimes referred to as the “missing middle ». Attainable Housing is only a segment along the Housing Continuum. Attainable Housing is providing affordable rental and homeownership opportunities offered by the private market, as opposed to social housing, subsidized housing, transitional housing, emergency shelters, etc.

For more information on the Housing Supply Action Plan (Housing ASAP) and other local strategies for housing across Simcoe County, visit <<< Add Link to {Page Name}>>>. For information on the City of Orillia’s plans for housing, visit


“This plan is coming at a time that is critical to our communities across the region. Our residents know the cost of living is increasing at a rapid and uncomfortable pace and we want to assure them that the County and its partners are working together to ensure that they have the conditions needed to thrive in our communities. I am pleased that the City of Orillia has partnered with us on the Housing ASAP project and look forward to hearing real solutions that balance the growth of our communities with a price tag that ordinary people can afford. »

~ Warden Basil Clarke, County of Simcoe

“Housing attainability is a significant concern in Orillia. We are taking actions to address this, including hiring a housing coordinator and working with our partners at the County of Simcoe to find strategies to reduce the price of rental units and the cost of housing. We look forward to receiving the recommendations from the Draft Housing Attainable Supply Action Plan once complete and continuing our partnership with the County and other levels of government to work together to create solutions for housing in our community. »

~ Mayor Don McIsaac, City of Orillia

About County of Simcoe

County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at​​

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Collin Matanowitsch
Manager, Public Relations
County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Department
705-734-8386 (mobile) ​​

Melissa Gowanlock
Manager of Communications
City of Orillia, Corporate Communications Division
705-330-1951 (mobile)