What is a Transportation Master Plan?
A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long-term strategy to guide the planning, expansion and management of a multi-modal transportation system. A TMP provides strategies and policies that align with the County of Simcoe’s growth and support its vision for the future transportation system.
The County of Simcoe has completed an update to the TMP that will outline transportation infrastructure needs and priorities to 2051. The TMP Update was endorsed by Simcoe County Council on November 28, 2023, and the Notice of Study Completion was published on December 06, 2023.
- Notice of Study Completion – Published December 06, 2023
The TMP Update:
- Develops a forward-looking plan for all types of travel: driving, transit, cycling, walking, commercial vehicles, air and rail freight
- Provides connectivity between transportation modes to move people and goods sustainably, efficiently and safely based on mobility solutions
- Defines policies and long-term strategies that will result in the protection of transportation corridors for all modes
- Aims to coordinate and collaborate with private sector, government agencies and municipalities
- Solicits and integrates public consultation and contributions from across the County
Study Process
The study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act. Multiple rounds of public and stakeholder engagement were held throughout the study, including two virtual public information centres, interactive activities and surveys for the public to share feedback, and various stakeholder meetings. The input received informed and directly shaped the recommendations of the TMP.
The work plan for the TMP Update was developed into a four-phase plan, with public and stakeholder consultation and communication activities conducted throughout.
Phase I Identify Multi-Modal Needs and Opportunities
The purpose of this Phase I report is to identify the County of Simcoe’s transportation issues, needs and constraints.
Phase II Transportation Network Development
The objective of this Phase II report is to identify the preferred transportation infrastructure recommendations that best address the transportation issues, needs and constraints through the evaluation of transportation network alternatives.
Phase III Strategies and Policies to Support the Recommended Network
The purpose of this Phase III report is to outline strategies and actions to help attain the Transportation Vision and Goals of the TMP study, and to assist in the implementation of the road, transit and active transportation networks developed in Phase II.
Phase IV Transportation Master Plan Update Summary
Phase IV Report, summarizes the transportation solutions, including infrastructure projects and strategies, developed to guide the County of Simcoe into the future. As the culmination of the Phase I, II and III Reports noted above, this summary document summarizes the overarching direction, recommendations and actions that the County of Simcoe will implement to direct transportation investments County-wide.
The TMP Update was endorsed by Simcoe County Council on November 28, 2023, and is now subject to a public review period, ending January 12, 2024, providing the public the opportunity to comment on the report.
We appreciate receiving your valuable comments via email at tmp@simcoe.ca or by regular mail to the attention of TMP Project Manager, County of Simcoe, 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst ON L9X 1N6 no later than January 12, 2024.
Engagement Summary Report
Engagement Summary Report serves as a record and summary of the consultation undertaken during Phases I through III of the Transportation Master Plan Update study. This report offers an overview of the engagement objectives, outlines the approach taken to engage various groups during the study, and provides a summary of Round 1 and 2 of the engagement process.
Round 1 was conducted in March and April of 2021, followed by Round 2 in May 2022. Draft Phase II and Phase III Reports were published on the County’s TMP webpage in June 2023 and feedback on these Reports was requested from the general public, Indigenous communities, agencies, and stakeholders. Information gathered through the public consultation informed and directly shaped the recommendations of the Transportation Master Plan Update.
In October 2020, the County of Simcoe awarded IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc. (IBI Group) the assignment to prepare an update to the County’s 2014 Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The update is intended to build on the 2014 TM and provide direction for the planning, coordination and implementation of a multi-municipal road and transit network, active transportation amenities, and commuter facilities for the next 30 years and beyond. This update will also guide the development and implementation of policies, in consideration of the ongoing need to examine existing and future transportation needs within the County.
Since the last Transportation Master Plan update in 2014, the County has established the LINX Transit System which is a conventional public transit system that links major urban hubs and local transit services in the County of Simcoe. The LINX Transit system provides residents, businesses and visitors a reliable and courteous transit system in clean, safe, and accessible vehicles.
The County has also recently become the majority owner of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport (LSRA). The LSRA is fully serviced by the Canada Border Service Agency and offers a convenient location in close proximity to the Greater Toronto Area and central Ontario.
The TMP update will clearly describe the steps and actions required of the County and its partners in order to get from today to the network and landscape envisioned to 2031 (short-term), 2041 (medium-term), 2051 (long-term), and horizon (2065).
The Study is scheduled to take one year and will result in a final County of Simcoe TMP Update. The TMP Update will be an action-oriented document intended for a broad audience. Staff will continue to inform County Council of the TMP progress and actively involve local municipalities.
The Notice of Study Commencement first published February 8, 2021.
The updated Plan establishes a transportation strategy that includes transit, cyclists, pedestrians, cars, and trucks. In consultation with MMM Group, the County endeavoured to update the 2008 Transportation Master Plan taking into consideration a multi-modal forward thinking approach.
Due to the size of the original document, the Final Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is available for review in four parts. Each part contains several chapters of the report.
Part 1 of the TMP includes the following chapters:
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 3.0 – What is Guiding the Development of the Master Plan
- Chapter 4.0 – Transportation Vision for Simcoe County
Part 2 of the TMP includes the following chapters:
- Chapter 5.0 – Roads
- Chapter 6.0 – Context-Sensitive Road Design
- Chapter 7.0 – Roundabout Feasibility Guidelines
- Chapter 8.0 – The Future of Transit
- Chapter 9.0 – Active Transportation
- Chapter 10.0 – Other Multi-Modal Transportation Options
- Chapter 11.0 – Transportation Demand Management
Part 3 of the TMP includes the following chapters:
- Chapter 12.0 – Staged Implementation Plan
- Chapter 13.0 – Supporting Policies and Actions
- Chapter 14.0 – Monitoring Plan
- Chapter 15.0 – Transportation Input to the Development Charges By-law
- Chapter 16.0 – Public Information Centre Round 2
Part 4 of the TMP contains the Appendix.
The full 2008 Transportation Master Plan is available.
The appendices of the report are available below:
- Appendix A – Public Consultation
- Appendix B – Public Attitude Survey
- Appendix C – Needs & Opportunities Report
- Appendix D – Existing/Future Population & Employment Estimates
- Appendix E – Strategies Report
- Appendix F – Road Rationalization/Classification
- Appendix G – Road Network Alternative Evaluation
- Appendix H – Localized Improvements
Simcoe County Transit Feasibility & Implementation Study
The Simcoe County Transit Feasibility and Implementation Study, in consultation with Steer Davies Gleave, is intended to build on the 2014 Transportation Master Plan update and to focus on the feasibility of a range of transit partnerships, service options, delivery methods, as well as a staged implementation and monitoring strategy supported by financial and funding recommendations. Your comments are welcome at any time. Please use the contact information at the bottom of this page to share your ideas and experiences.
The County held the first series of Public Information Centres between June 15-18, 2015. The Public Information story boards are available here for your review.
Since the last round of public consultation in June, a draft network of new transit connections was developed. Some of these transit connections could potentially be implemented within the next five years. Preliminary directions related to fares and funding for the proposed services and connections are also being considered.
The County held two Public Workshops on November 9th and 17th to present the draft network of new transit connections, discuss ideas on fares and transit funding, and gather feedback.
In addition to study findings, input received through workshops, consultation, and survey results will inform and help develop the draft recommendations addressing the feasibility and implementation of a County transit service.
Study Background and Purpose
The County of Simcoe and its constituent municipalities have been actively exploring transportation options that address future needs for several years. Pursuing a county‐wide regional transit plan fits well with the overall focus of the County’s transportation strategy, which emphasizes the integration of land use and transportation, access and mobility, and multi‐modal integration.
The Simcoe County Transit Feasibility and Implementation Study is an opportunity to respond to the challenge of supporting transit initiatives in and between smaller urban communities and the larger centres, as well as understanding and addressing the needs of vast rural areas and spread out geographically.
A well-planned transit system is an effective option in the suite of transportation modes. An integrated transit system with supportive land uses is able to enhance mobility for residents, connect employment areas and community services, and reduce the dependence on single occupant vehicle travel.
This study is an important opportunity to take the development of the options for transit service to the next level and demonstrate how a comprehensive approach to transit in the County can improve transportation choice and community access, while ensuring that services can be provided in an affordable manner— managing these topics certainly helps, from a practical perspective, to raise its opportunity for implementation.
This study will build on this extensive body of work and the experience of the local municipalities to define the feasibility of a broader county service that:
- serves local communities
- connects urban centres
- facilitates local, inter-municipal and inter‐regional commuter travel
- supports the broader economic, environmental and social objectives of development in Simcoe County
Study Process and Public Engagement
The engagement process will take place in two parts. In Part One – Developing the Vision and Assessing Options – the Project Team will prepare and develop feedback on the following:
- A needs and opportunities assessment;
- A vision, goals and objectives;
- Service delivery approaches; and,
- Service options.
Participants’ views and perspectives in this part of the engagement process will be used to help inform the development and refinement of the overall vision for County-wide transit, and the testing and selection of a preferred service concept(s).
In Part Two – Implementing the Preferred Service Concept – the Project Team will develop and seek feedback on the following:
- A prioritization plan;
- Specialized transit and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) considerations;
- Potential fares and funding sources for transit services; and
- An implementation and financial plan.
Participants’ input in Part Two will be used by the Project Team to help inform the Study’s overall draft recommendations, including potential refinements to the preferred service concept in light of prioritization, AODA, funding and implementation considerations.
Relevant Documents
We have include links to reports with detailed information on the transit feasibility and implementation study – these are more detailed versions of the materials that are being shared at the public meetings. This page will be updated with new information as the study progresses. The study is comprised of three interim reports:
- Interim Report #1 – Needs and Opportunities
- Interim Report #2 – September 2015
- Interim Report #3 – August 2016
- This Interim Report was presented to the Committee of the Whole in report CCW-16-312 on September 7, 2016 and was accompanied by a presentation.
There are a number of past studies that are being drawn on to help inform the transit feasibility and implementation study. Links to these documents are available below:
Notice of Collection/Use/Disclosure
All information is collected in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Act, RSO 1990 Chapter E.18 Part II Section 5.1. Information will be used to inform the project team in the development of recommendations to support the study vision and objectives. All submissions become part of the public record, and disclosed in full in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Questions about this notice of collection should be directed to the Project Manager at tmp@simcoe.ca, or (705) 726-9300 ext. 1157.