#ITSTARTS is a public awareness campaign designed to take a proactive step towards addressing racism and discrimination in Simcoe County.
#ITSTARTS works to promote a unified community that encourages collective action against racism and discrimination.
Diversity Ambassador Training
With #ITSTARTS month once again being recognized throughout March 2025, the Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership (SCLIP) is setting the stage for awareness through Diversity Ambassador Training sessions throughout our region. Community members, organizations, business leaders, and residents across the region are invited to participate in these education sessions—offered both virtually and in-person—designed to equip participants to lead and champion diversity awareness in their workplaces and communities.
Introductory – Diversity Ambassador Training 1.0 Sessions
Advanced – Equity 2.0 Sessions
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025; 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Midhurst, Ontario
Session is fully booked. Spaces are still available in the virtual Equity 2.0 session.

Get involved
The campaign runs every year during the month of March.
If you’d like to get involved in the campaign, you can:
1. Request cards from the Local Immigration Partnership (sclip@simcoe.ca). Multilingual digital copies are available for download on this webpage below.
2. Share your message on social media using the hashtag #ITSTARTS and tagging the County of Simcoe:
X / Twitter – @simcoecounty
Facebook – @CountyofSimcoe
Instagram – @countyofsimcoe
LinkedIn – @CountyofSimcoe
Your posts may include campaign cards, #ITSTARTS selfie frames, or content related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. All posts promoting unified communities are welcome!
3. Perform acts of inclusivity within your sphere of influence (i.e. book or film club, multicultural celebrations).
4. Join the Simcoe County Diversity Hub for additional resources. Contact sclip@simcoe.ca for access.
Immigrants Enrich Our Communities: Dispelling Common Myths
- 97.1% of the immigrant population speak one or more official language
2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
38% of immigrants volunteered in 2013.
Immigrants donate money as frequently as people born in Canada.
Statistics Canada, Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2007 and 2010. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-008-x/2012001/article/11669-eng.htm
81.1% of immigrants living in Simcoe County are Canadian citizens.
2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
- Newcomers are open to relocation. They often choose to live in areas that are affordable, safe, and welcoming.
A CBC News Article exploring who is responsible for integrating immigrants into society: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/immigrants-canadians-share-responsibility-to-integrate-1.4144202
Read the personal stories of immigrants on integrating to life in Canada: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/canadian-immigrants-share-their-personal-stories/article4178860/
A CBC News Article exploring why immigrants might congregate: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/immigrants-canadians-share-responsibility-to-integrate-1.4144202
A National Post Article explaining why there are ethnic enclaves: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-as-immigration-booms-ethnic-enclaves-swell-and-segregate
Starting in 2015, more people turned 65 than young people turned 15, meaning that growth of the core working-age group is now exclusively from net migration.
In 2016, 86.8% of Simcoe County’s labor force was comprised of Canadian-born workers. 13.2% of the labor force was comprised of immigrants.
- Source: 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
Immigrant residents tend to be more highly educated than Canadian-born residents. Despite this, recent immigrants often have a more difficult time finding employment.
- Source: 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
In Simcoe County, recent immigrants (arriving to Canada between 2011 and 2016) had an unemployment rate of 10.4%. In comparison, the total population’s unemployment rate was 6.9%.
- Source: 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
31.7% of Ontario’s labour force are immigrants.
Visit http://hireimmigrants.simcoe.ca to learn about the benefits of hiring immigrants.
Ten reasons to hire a newcomer to Canada: https://www.newcomerscanadajobs.ca/pages/11618-10-reasons-to-hire-a-newcomer-to-canada
An article explaining the difficult process of finding a job as a Canadian immigrant: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/immigration-employment-canada-1.3831468
- Crime in Canada decreased by 19.7% between 2006 and 2016, while the immigrant population has increased by 2.1%.
The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy states that immigrants are less involved in criminal activity than their Canadian-born counterparts.
A study in the 1990s by the Correctional Service of Canada found that immigrants in all regions and age groups were under-represented among those serving two or more years in federal penitentiaries.
- Article discussing the past and present relationship between immigrants and crime in North America, and why the crime rate is dropping: https://thewalrus.ca/arrival-of-the-fittest/?utm_source=walrusmagazine.com&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=move+old+website
University of Toronto thesis which analyzes the relationship (or lack thereof) between crime and immigration: http://hdl.handle.net/1807/79009
There are 112 non-official mother tongues spoken in Simcoe County.
2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
In Simcoe County, approximately 210 ethnic origins or ancestries were reported by residents.
2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
Read 18 different essays, each detailing the very different experiences, opinions, and lives of immigrants: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rachelysanders/essays-about-the-immigrant-experience
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion: https://ccdi.ca/
Celebrate the contributions and uniqueness of immigrants by visiting https://www.iamanimmigrant.com/stories/
42.2% of recent immigrants residing in Simcoe County between the ages of 25-64 have a university degree.
- 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
At the time of the 2016 Census, 60.8% of immigrants aged 25-64 years in Simcoe County had completed postsecondary education.
- 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
42.4% of engineering graduates in Simcoe County are immigrants.
- 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
55.2% of immigrants residing in Simcoe County obtained their education in Canada.
- 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
An article examining the education of immigrants, and how Canada will likely benefit from the successes of Syrian refugees: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-refugees-will-make-their-mark-on-campus/article28038955/
Statistics Canada data relating to required Immigrant Education and Job Skills: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-001-x/2008112/article/10766-eng.htm
Statistics Canada data on internationally-educated immigrants between the ages of 25 and 64: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/81-595-m/2010084/e2-eng.htm
In 2016, 100% of refugees who arrived in Simcoe County were privately sponsored.
2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
- In 2015, 62.4% of the total income of immigrants in Simcoe County came from employment. Private pensions, investments, and other market income accounted for an additional 20.1% of total income.
- 2016 Census, Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Community Data Program (distributor).
- Under the Resettlement Assistance Program, the Government of Canada helps government-assisted refugees with essential services and income support once they are in Canada. The refugee receives this income support for up to one year or until they can support themselves, whichever comes first. Basic social assistance rates in each province help guide the amount of money refugees receive for shelter, food, and other basic needs.
- Temporary foreign workers, refugee claimants, and permanent residents pay all taxes but can’t access many Canadian services due to their non-permanent status.
- On June 4, 1969, Canada signed the United Nations Convention on the Status of Refugees. Canada recognized its obligations for refugee protection not merely as a humanitarian gesture, but also a legal requirement as a signatory state. Canada’s national obligation to ensure refugee resettlement is protected under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001, c 27.
- An article on government assistance for refugees: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/fact-check-do-refugees-get-more-financial-help-than-canadian-pensioners-1.2670735
- Information on how Canada’s immigration system works: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/campaigns/irregular-border-crossings-asylum/understanding-the-system.html
- An article on the economic benefits of immigration in Canada: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/immigration-is-a-net-economic-benefit-this-is-a-story-canada-should-build-on/article31854798/
Oppression -“The social act of placing severe restrictions on an individual, group or institution. The oppressed individual or group is devalued, exploited and deprived of privileges by the individual or group which has more power.” (Barker, 2003)
Source: Barker, R.L. (2003). Definition of oppression. Social Work Dictionary. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mdover/website/Oppression%20Compendium%20and%20Materials/Definitions%20of%20Oppression.pdf
Sometimes these acts are explicit (such as laws in the past with respect to slavery, or the historical disenfranchisement of Canada’s indigenous people), however, oppression is also formalized in the ways society has always done things, which tend to privilege white, male, cis-gender, heterosexual,middle class experiences.
Example: Men who wear turbans may be prevented from certain jobs or hobbies in which other headgear is considered “required,” without a determination of whether there are other ways to address issues of safety or uniformity. Preference for one way of “being” – can be the result of the majorities cultural upbringing. This may cause people to discriminate without realizing why.
- Sexism
- Classism
- Racism
- Ableism
- Heterosexism
- Cis-sexism
- Faithism
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
Kivel (2002) outlines strategies and recommendations to challenge racism and white privilege:
- Assume racism is everywhere, everyday: We have to learn to see the effect of racism. You already notice the skin color of everyone you meet—now notice what difference it makes.
- Notice who is at the center of attention and who is at the center of power.
- Understand the interconnections between racism, economic issues, sexism, and other forms of injustice.
- Learn how to effectively confront injustice. There are effective and very ineffective ways to confront, for example, racism (see resources below).
For a complete list of recommendations and guidelines please visit the site below.
Source: Centre for advanced studies in child welfare (2014). Action strategies and activities. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.cascw.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/WhitePrivilegeAction.pdf
7 Bystander Intervention Tips for Racist Harassment
When we talk about oppression, privilege must be discussed. This tool-kit explores concepts of privilege and how we can all become allies in the fight to end racism
Considered a classic article by those in the field doing anti-racist work, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” can be used in workshops, classes, or team meetings as a great conversation starter.
Access the free Harvard Implicit Association Test. This “test” will help you identify your biases (keeping in mind that we all have them). This can guide your focus as you embark on anti-oppression work.
False, overly simplistic, or unfounded assumptions about a group of people that results in disregard for individual differences amongst group members; usually, negative preconception that characterizes each member of that group as being the same.
Source: Carleton University Equity Services (2017). Anti-racism definitions. Retrieved May 5, 2017 from https://carleton.ca/equity/focus/discrimination-harassment/anti-racism/responsibilities/
Stereotypes are judgmental and negative and present a fixed and inflexible image of a group. They ignore individual differences.
- All Asians are Chinese.
- All Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes.
- All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.
- All black people are of lower intelligence or of poor academic ability.
- All American’s are rude and self-centered.
While some stereotypes might “seem” positive, the impact is always negative. For example, the statement “Asians are all good at math.” It might seem to be a “positive” statement. But the reality is that there are two potential outcomes:
1.) An Asian person is good at math, thereby strengthening the stereotype and making that an “expectation” for all Asian people
2.) An Asian person is not good at math, and society questions “what is wrong with them” – because they are deviating from what is expected.
Both outcomes are harmful, not only to the individual, but to Asian people in general.
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
To create awareness of racial stereotypes:
- Acknowledge that we are all human and that we do stereotype people. It is human nature to put people and things in categories. We must start to consider the origins of these ideas and clarify evidence that supports these stereotypes.
- Increase awareness of inner thoughts and racial stereotyping; when you realize you are thinking about a racial stereotype follow it up with an alternative thought based in fact.
- Obtain factual information by increasing your interactions with people of other ethnic/cultural groups. Awareness and knowledge about others will lessen our stereotypes and better equip you to educate, advocate, and challenge others about stereotypes. Be brave and engage in honest dialogue with members from diverse cultures and perspectives. Be respectful of an individual’s request for privacy which may be cultural or personal.
For the full article visit the link below.
Source: University of Notre Dame Counselling Centre (2017). Overcoming racial stereotypes. Retrieved May 12, 2017 from http://ucc.nd.edu/self-help/multicultural-awareness/overcoming-stereotypes/
Learn how individuals develop stereotypes and the negative harmful outcomes. Explore tips to overcome stereotypes.
Explore this site for activities and worksheets that explore popular stereotypes in advertising. Gain a better awareness of everyday stereotypes.
The danger of a single story, TED Talk by the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie help us understand our own bias and the single story we build around individuals, groups, cultures, and countries.
Racism is the belief that there are human groups with particular (usually physical) characteristics that make them superior or inferior to others. Racist behaviour can be overt, such as treating some people according to their race or colour, but also covert, when society systematically treats groups according to some form of discriminating judgement.
Forms of Racism
1. Racial Prejudice: refers to a set of discriminatory or derogatory attitudes based on assumptions deriving from perceptions about race and/or skin colour.
Source: Calgary Anti-Racism Education (2019). Reverse Racism – Myth or Reality? Retrieved January 2019 from http://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism/
2. Racial Discrimination: the illegal expression of racism. It includes any action, intentional or not, that has the effect of singling out persons based on their race, and imposing burdens on them and not on others, or withholding or limiting access to benefits available to other members of society.
Source: Ontario Human Rights Commission (2019). Racial Discrimination (brochure) Retrieved January 2019 from http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/racial-discrimination-brochure
3. Individual or Internalized racism: This is racism that exists within individuals. It is when, either knowing it or not, someone has negative ideas about themselves and their race or culture.
Source: Myers, A. & Ogino, Y. (n.d.). Power, privilege, and oppression. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from http://www.scrippscollege.edu/xbk/wp-content/uploads/sites/35/files/Power-Privilege-and-Oppression.pdf
Examples: Skin lightening, wearing coloured contact lenses. The individual believes that life would be better if they acted, looked, or spoke more like the dominant culture.
4. Interpersonal racism: This is racism that exists between individuals. It is the holding of negative attitudes towards a different race or culture.
Source: Intergroup Resources (n.d.). Race and racism. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from http://www.intergroupresources.com/race-and-racism/
Social distancing & stigmatization: Verbal and non-verbal behaviour that communicate exclusion and/or rejection.
Discrimination at work or school: Stereotypes about competency, honesty, or diligence can block the creation of opportunities for employment or education.
Threat & harassment: Targeted individuals can become victims of verbal and physical assault when the social barriers & protections against attack do not extend to those who are stigmatized.
Source: Myers, A. & Ogino, Y. (n.d.). Power, privilege, and oppression. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from http://www.scrippscollege.edu/xbk/wp-content/uploads/sites/35/files/Power-Privilege-and-Oppression.pdf
5. Systemic or Institutional racism: This is racism that exists within social institutions (such as governmental organizations, schools, banks, and courts of law). It is the giving of negative treatment to a group of people based on their race.
Example: Through the hiring process, employers may state they are looking for the “right fit.” The “right fit” may tend to resemble the rest of the staff they have already hired. This may send a message about the diminished value of diversity within an organization or lack of interest to hire anyone outside of the dominant culture.
Source: Hugher, R.L. (2014). 10 signs of institutional racism. Retrieved May 9, 2017 from http://diverseeducation.com/article/64583/
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
Examples of taking action against racism:
- Interrupt offensive jokes or stories and say you don’t want to hear them.
- Speak up when you witness discrimination against others.
- Offer support to the victim. Listen carefully and respect confidentiality.
- Speak up or seek help when you experience discrimination. Recognize that some situations are best addressed publicly and others privately.
- Become involved and work with others. Anti-racism is everyone’s responsibility.
- Encourage work and study environments to be places where diversity is valued.
- Discuss issues of inclusion and diversity with children, youth, and adults.
- Educate yourself about human rights.
- Be aware of how your actions might intentionally or unintentionally affect others.
- Think critically about the language that you use.
- Be sensitive to other’s feelings.
- Question the validity of generalized statements.
Source: NPR (2019). Boston Launches Anti-Islamophobia Poster Campaign. Retrieved January, 2019 from https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/07/18/537899187/boston-launches-anti-islamophobia-poster-campaign
The Racial Justice Network UK offers 5 Ways to Disrupt Racism in this video.
Learn about the Ontario Human Rights Code that provides for equal rights, opportunities, and freedom from discrimination. The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) provides support for individuals and organizations to identify and address racism and discrimination: Brochure available for download.
Dr. Camara Jones shares four allegories on “race” and racism at a local TEDx event. Through telling stories foundational knowledge on these concepts is explored and individuals are empowered to act against racism.
Source: Carleton University Equity Services (2017). Take action against racism. Retrieved May 5, 2017 from https://carleton.ca/equity/human-rights/racism/take-action-against-racism/
Equity – A condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences.
Source: Ministry of Education (2009). Realizing the promise of diversity: Ontario’s equity and inclusive education strategy. Retrieved May 5, 2017 from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/policyfunding/equity.pdf.
What is the difference between Equity and Equality?
Equity is giving everyone what they need to be successful. Equality is treating everyone the same.
“Equality aims to promote fairness, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help. Equity appears unfair, but it actively moves everyone closer to success by “leveling the playing field.” But not everyone starts at the same place, and not everyone has the same needs.
Source: Interaction Institute for Social Change (last updated January 13, 2016). Illustrating Equality vs Equity. Retrieved January 31, 2019 http://interactioninstitute.org/illustrating-equality-vs-equity/
Source: Kinshella, M. (2016). Equity illustrated, 3rd place: Equity is about resources. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from https://mmt.org/news/equity-illustrated-3rd-place-equity-about-resources.
Who Risks Exclusion?
- Indigenous peoples
- Francophones
- Immigrants
- Older Adults
- Youth
- People with disabilities
- People living in poverty
- Racialized people
- Rural residents
- Women
- People of faith
Source: City for All Women Initiative (June 2015). Advancing equity and inclusion: A guide for municipalities. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
- Consider your diversity: Recognizing diversity within ourselves and others can help us understand how multiple factors influence the way we provide services, design policies and programs, or interact with staff and residents.
- Check assumptions: When we question our own ideas, we can open up to new ways of understanding.
- Ask about inclusion: By always asking three simple questions, we can thread equity and inclusion throughout our work:
- Who is not included in the work you do?
- What could contribute to this exclusion?
- What can you do differently to ensure inclusion?
Apply it to your work:
Here are areas of work where you can enhance equity and inclusion:
- Communications
- Engaging Community
- Planning: Services, Programs, and Events
- Recruitment and Hiring
- Strategic Planning
For a full list visit the document below.
Be an ally, take action: When we are allies, we commit ourselves to using the information we learn to stand beside, and advocate for, those with whom we work. It is not a one-time action. Being an ally is a lifelong learning process of asking questions so as to apply (and re-apply) insights to action.
If you are interested in attending a 2021 Ambassador Information Training held in the month of February please click the link below:
#ITSTARTS Ambassador Information Session Registration
Visit Ontario’s equity and inclusive education strategy.
Explore six steps towards equity in the classroom.
There is no quick way in which to achieve greater equity and inclusion. Explore the following toolkit and consider how to transform your municipality (or organization) towards more equitable and inclusive practices.
Acceptance – Positive welcome and belonging
Source: Merriam-Webster (n.d). Definition of acceptance. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from merriam-webster.com.
Forms of Acceptance
1. Self-acceptance: Happiness or satisfaction with one’s current self.
2. Social acceptance: Ability to accept differences and diversity in other people or groups or people.
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
At work:
- Consider multicultural holidays in workplace policies/planning
- Designate a prayer space at work
- Provide cultural competency training to management and frontline staff
- Include immigrants in organization’s decision making or planning process (e.g. Board of Directors)
In your community:
- Develop opportunities for seniors to share their stories
- Have multicultural crayons available for children to use in waiting rooms at your local child care centre
- Understand different religions/spiritualties by visiting different local religious organizations
The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 has an online story collection to help you look for specific immigrants stories.
Workplace Equity & Diversity Programs.
A cross-cultural training workbook developed by the Peace Corps to help new volunteers acquire the knowledge and skills to work successfully and respectfully in other cultures.
Here Comes Everyone: A resource on teaching in the intercultural classroom from the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
“What does it mean to be culturally competent” written by Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) with the support of the Canadian Government.
Inclusivity – State of belonging and interdependence that arises when every individual is accepted as an equal and valued member of the community; includes the removal of barriers to allow for full participation.
Promoting inclusivity, “creates an atmosphere in which all people feel valued and respected and have access to the same opportunities.”
Source: Riordan, C.M. (2014). Diversity is useless without inclusivity. Retrieved May 4, 2017 from https://hbr.org/2014/06/diversity-is-useless-without-inclusivity
What does an inclusive community look like?
An inclusive community:
- Respects all of its citizens, ensuring full access to resources, and promoting equal treatment and opportunity.
- Works to eliminate all forms of discrimination.
- Engages all its citizens in decision-making processes that affect their lives.
- Values diversity.
- Responds quickly to racist and other discriminating incidents.
Source: Community tool box (2016). Cultural competence in a multicultural world. Section 11: Building inclusive communities. Retrieved May 8, 2017 from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/culture/cultural-competence/inclusive-communities/main
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
- Language: Consider or examine the language you use on a daily basis and seek inclusivity in communication. Avoid words or expressions that may exclude certain groups or individuals (see resources below for the Inclusive Language Guidelines).
- Consider your Environment: Assess your physical space and consider how inclusive it is. Consider showing images of a diverse range of individuals that match the make-up of your community. If you work in the field of childcare, consider having multicultural crayons, books/stories, and diverse toys for use.
- Planning and Development: Include a diverse range of individuals (age, gender, ethno-cultural diversity, etc.) in policy or program planning. Diversity of thought brings in fresh perspectives and improved innovation.
Inclusive Language Guidelines.
Learn how to build an inclusive community.
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition has developed a tool-kit to assist organizations in becoming more equitable, diverse, and inclusive.
Microaggressions – A comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority).
Source: Merriam-Webster (n.d.). Definition of a microaggression. Retrieved May 12, 2017 from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/microaggression
Microassault: Conscious and intentional verbal or nonverbal attack meant to hurt the intended victim through name-calling, avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions. They are generally expressed in limited “private” situations (micro) that allow the perpetrator some degree of anonymity. Examples: referring to someone as “colored” or “Oriental,” discouraging interracial interactions, deliberately serving a Caucasian patron before someone of color, and displaying a swastika.
Source: Sue, D.W., Capodilupo, C.M., Torino, G.C., Bucceri, J.M., Holder, A.M.B., Nadal, K.L., & Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial aggressions in everyday life. Retrieved May 12, 2017 from https://reason.kzoo.edu/csjl/assets/Racial_MicroaggressionsshortVersion.pdf
Microinsults: Verbal, nonverbal, and environmental communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity that demean a person’s racial heritage or identity. An example is an employee who asks a co-worker of color how he/she got his/her job, implying he/she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system.
Source: Wing Sue, D. (2010). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: Is subtle bias harmless? Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/microaggressions-in-everyday-life/201010/racial-microaggressions-in-everyday-life
Microinvalidations: Communications that subtly exclude, negate or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color. For instance, a Caucasian person asking a Latino person where they were born, conveying the message that he/she are perpetual foreigners in their own land.
Source: Wing Sue, D. (2010). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: Is subtle bias harmless? Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/microaggressions-in-everyday-life/201010/racial-microaggressions-in-everyday-life
Colour-blind microinvalidations: The belief that racism is no longer a problem. Being “colour-blind” ignores the realities that people of colour face every day.
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
It can be hard to know how to act in the moment, especially when microaggressions are likely to stir up an emotional response. Here are some tips on how to begin to take safe and purposeful action:
Assess the Situation
- Ensure you are safe from any physical or emotional immediate harm.
- Refrain from reacting immediately.
- Take a breath or create a moment of silence.
Model the Behavior
- Model the behavior you want from the person or people you are confronting.
- Avoid being sarcastic, snide or mocking.
- Remember that the goal is to educate, not to shame. It’s about helping others to understand something from a different perspective.
Focus on the Event, Not the Person
- Keep the focus of the conversation on the behavior or event
For the full article visit the link below.
Source: Sehgal, P. (2016). Racial microaggressions: The everyday assault. American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/apa-blog/2016/10/racial-microaggressions-the-everyday-assault
An article exploring racial microaggressions in everyday life. Implications for clinical practice.
An article explaining the effects of “colour-blind microinvalidation”.
Examples of everyday microaggressions – which include common themes and the messages they send.
21 Racial Microaggressions you hear on a daily basis. This article include photos that can serve as great conversation starters
Prejudice – Attitude or judgement about an individual or group based on stereotypes and inadequate knowledge; irrationally and falsely attributing the same characteristics to every member of a group; most often a negative, unfavourable, or inferior opinion about a person of colour.
Source: Carleton University Equity Services (2017).
Racism: belief that race, skin colour or culture makes certain people inferior (e.g. believing that whites are superior to people of colour or people who practice Judaism)
Racial Prejudice: refers to a set of discriminatory or derogatory attitudes based on assumptions deriving from perceptions about race and/or skin colour.
Source: Calgary Anti-Racism Education (2019). Reverse Racism – Myth or Reality? Retrieved January 2019 from http://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism/
Ableism: belief that physical and/or mental ability makes one group superior (e.g. that differently abled people are inferior to typically abled people or seniors are frail and weak)
Ageism: belief that age determines status or ability (e.g. adults are superior to young people and older adults)
Lookism: belief that appearance and looks determine status (e.g. those who are thin or good looking have more money and status in society)
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
There are many ways to reduce prejudice and discrimination. A few suggestions are listed below:
- Become aware of your own prejudices.
- Broaden your horizons.
- Don’t laugh at racist, sexist or heterosexist jokes.
- Refuse to watch movies, read books, play video games or participate in activities promoting prejudice.
- Challenge friends/peers who express prejudiced beliefs.
- Work with a diverse group of people at school/in your community.
- Support organizations that help address the roots/effects of prejudice.
- Confront prejudice at work by refusing to work in an environment that supports discriminatory policies or practices.
Source: Kids Help Phone (n.d). Embracing differences: What you can do about prejudice. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://kidshelpphone.ca/article/embracing-differences-what-you-can-do-about-prejudice-0
The single underlying cause of racial prejudice is lack of knowledge. Support education and information sharing.
Learn strategies and activities for reducing racial prejudice and racism.
Reducing prejudices needs to be more than an organizational goal; it needs to be a personal goal for each of us. The following list contains ways to help reduce prejudices within ourselves and in those around us.
Discrimination – The unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion and other categories.
Source: Racial equity tools (n.d.). Glossary: Discrimination. Retrieved May 8, 2017 from http://racialequitytools.org/glossary#discrimination
Forms of Discrimination
Harassment: Inappropriate jokes, insults, name-calling or displays such as a poster or cartoons directed at a person because of race, colour, sex or gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Wage discrimination: An employer offering a lower wage for similar work because of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Discrimination in hiring: During a job interview, being asked inappropriate questions about: child care arrangements if you are a parent or whether or not you plan to have children; disabilities or health limitations; age; religion or any other personal characteristic protected under human rights; and not getting a job based solely on response to these questions and not qualifications or experience.
Source: National Association of Japanese Canadians (2017). What are some examples of discrimination? Retrieved May 8, 2017 from https://najc.ca/what-are-some-examples-of-discrimination/
How to Take Safe and Purposeful Action
Everyone has a responsibility to create environments in which others feel safe.
Read outside the lines: It is important for young people to have characters, in both fiction and nonfiction, who feel relatable. Host a book club that reads texts by or about individuals who hold identities outside the socially defined “norm.” Check out some of these titles: Parrotfish, Symptoms of Being Human, and Tomboy.
Safe Space Flag: Almost 1 in 4 students report being bullied at school. Designate a Safe Space, where bullying isn’t tolerated.
People experience racial discrimination in a variety of different ways. Visit Ontario Human Rights Commission for examples.
Here Comes Everyone: A resource on teaching in the intercultural classroom from the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
“What does it mean to be culturally competent” written by Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) with the support of the Canadian Government.
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition has developed a tool-kit
Diversity – The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to: ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.
Source: Ministry of Education (2009). Realizing the promise of diversity: Ontario’s equity and inclusive education strategy. Retrieved May 5, 2017 from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/policyfunding/equity.pdf.
How to Promote Diversity
Diversity is more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Here is a conscious list of practices that one can take to value diversity:
- Understand and appreciate the interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment.
- Practice mutual respect for diverse identities and lived experiences.
- Understand that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of knowing.
- Recognize that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others.
- Build alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.
Source: Queensborough Community College (2016). Definition of diversity. Retrieved May 5, 2017 from http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/diversity/definition.html
List of books written by multicultural authors.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion.
Diversity and Inclusion: A Beginner’s Guide for HR Professionals.
Multiculturalism -Promotes the full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in the continuing evolution and shaping of all aspects of Canadian society.
Source: Driedger, L., & Burnet, J. (2014). The Canadian Encyclopedia: Multiculturalism. Retrieved May 8, 2017 from http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/multiculturalism/
In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy (Multiculturalism Act, 1988). This act affirmed the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, their language, or their religious affiliation.
Source: Government of Canada (n.d.). Canadian multiculturalism: An inclusive citizenship. Retrieved May 11, 2017 from https://www.canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html
*Multiculturalism in Canada
1948: Canada adhered to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which applies to all human beings, regardless of sex, race, religion, culture or ideology.
1960: Parliament passed the Canadian Bill of Rights, which prohibits discrimination for reasons of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex.
1970: Canada ratified the International Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
1971: Canada became the first country in the world to introduce a multiculturalism policy.
1974: Saskatchewan became the first province to adopt legislation regarding multiculturalism.
1977: Parliament adopted the Canadian Human Rights Act, which established the Canadian Human Rights Commission to monitor and mediate disputes over human rights in Canada.
1986: Parliament passed the Employment Equity Act.
1996: The Federal government established the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.
2002: The Federal government announced that Canadian Multiculturalism Day would be held on 27 June each year.
*For a more comprehensive timeline, please visit: http://www.lop.parl.gc.ca/content/lop/ResearchPublications/2009-20-e.pdf
**2016: Bill C-16: Amendment to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.
**For more information on this new amendment, please visit: https://openparliament.ca/bills/42-1/C-16/
This activity is designed to engage students in a process of defining culture and its complexities: http://www.edchange.org/multicultural/activities/multicultural.html
Library of Parliament paper on historical background of multiculturalism current policies across Canada and Parliamentary action: http://www.lop.parl.gc.ca/content/lop/ResearchPublications/2009-20-e.pdf
Welcoming Communities Framework identifies sector-specific roles and actions to establish Simcoe County as a welcoming community for newcomers: http://www.simcoe.ca/ChildrenandCommunityServices/Documents/LIP/Welcoming%20Communities%20Framework%202014.pdf
We’re happy that you have decided to take part in the #ITSTARTS Campaign. Please note that your photo or video may be used in promotion or advertisement of the #ITSTARTS Campaign and additional efforts aimed at addressing racism and discrimination. For additional details, please contact sclip@simcoe.ca
*** Please note: While we make every effort possible to ensure the translations provided are accurate, these documents have been translated by a third-party provider. If you have any feedback regarding any of these translations, please reach out to the Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership at sclip@simcoe.ca ***