Finding Services NearBy:
- Open tool from landing page
- Choose category, sub category and age category if applicable
- Zoom into area using mouse scroll or fingers
- Right click ‘save as default extent’ if this is the area you will always be working in
- New map opens to saved default extent
- Click globe to see County view again
- Right click ‘save as default extent’
- Turn on other layers if interested (libraries, hospitals, transit, Service Ontario, Service Canada)
Click here to access the 211 Community Services Map
Feedback and Updates:
There are two ways to provide user update suggestions.
1. Using the Feedback button. This feedback goes to the County of Simcoe GIS department and collects feedback on the user experience, information about what the tool is used for, user rating and the option for follow up on your feedback.
- This feedback option is good if there are features about the map or tool you would like added or to understand better
Click here to access the 211 Community Services Map
2. When viewing the information box for a specific program/service, there is the option to view full details on the 211 Community Connection website. Once on the full details page (opens in new tab) there is the option to ‘Suggest Update’. Clicking this option will allow a user to submit feedback to Community Connection’s team of data curators. Users can also select ‘Suggest Record’ on top menu bar to suggest a new listing.
Note: If you can’t find a listing or would like to see a list of records by agency or category, email 211data@communityconnection.ca.

211 Inclusion exclusion criteria:
Private businesses likely will not show up, unless there is a private business filling the gap, example taxis, mental health councillors.
211 Community Connection and local database partners collect, maintain, and disseminate human service information that enables people to make informed choices to improve their quality of life. Human services are defined as the continuum of programs that address human needs ranging from basic living needs such as food and shelter through life improvement services such as education, to life enhancement programs such as cultural programs. In general, the database includes organizations or programs primarily located in or serving the local area that:
- Provide a direct service to the public
- Are networks or coalitions of direct service providers
- Are involved in licensing, planning or coordinating direct services
- Are not-for-profit, community-based or government organizations
- Are commercial organizations that provide priority services not offered by the non-profit sector (local examples include taxi services, mental health practitioners and personal support workers)
- Are commercial organizations licenced by the government or with special contractual agreements to operate long term care facilities, childcare centres and certain home care services
How does 211 get information?
211 Community Connection’s team of data curators have established procedures to identify new human services in the community, changes to those in existence, as well as new volunteer opportunities. These procedures include:
- Providing opportunities for agencies to submit feedback and suggest new listings on all local websites
- Internet research of online resources including:
- Municipal websites
- Chambers of commerce websites
- Online directories
- Local newspapers
- Service/program research (e.g. child care services)
- Other sources of information would include but not be limited to:
- Site visits to key social service agencies
- Follow-up Surveys
- Community Surveys
- Local directories
- Google Alerts
- United Way media promotions
- Internet – Google and Google Local
- Business cards (as received, picked up)
- Brochures (as received, picked up)
- Networking (as it occurs)
- Radio (as it occurs)
- Local service providers proactively informing/ updating us (as it occurs)
- Word of mouth (as it occurs)
- Caller feedback (as it occurs)
Note: despite the source of the information, including the organization’s own website, all new resource records will be confirmed with the organization to ensure its accuracy before marking the record as complete/fully updated and making it public on websites.
Organizations should email 211data@communityconnection.ca or go online to inform 211 about new programs or services
Becoming familiar with the categories:
Categories and subcategories were developed for the Community Services Mapping Tool based on feedback from multiple subject specific working groups in Simcoe County. The goal of these categories is to present searching options using straight forward, everyday language that is common for public use. To that end, the same subcategories may appear under more than one main heading. For example, the subcategory ‘Rent & Housing Payment Assistance’ can be found under both the ‘Housing / Shelter / Housing Support’ category and under the ‘Financial Assistance’ category.
Note: If you have taken the time to explore the categories and have suggestions, feedback can be sent via the feedback button on the GIS site, or by emailing 211 directly at 211data@communityconnection.ca.
Calculating distance of mapped services to specific addresses
- Topo
- Street
- Moving the box
- Drawing lines
- Be sure to capture the scale at the bottom
- Add landmark layers (hospitals, libraries etc.)

Sharable: Printing, e-mail, social media
URLs can be shared for users to access the default view of the tool via e-mail and social media.
Note: filters applied will not show up.
Snipping tool is the best way to capture the view you have created and share it. This option is good for printing or e-mailing the map you have created.
The 211 full program details can be shared by sending the link to the 211 record.
Map view can be adjusted for different purposes such as printing in black and white
- Topo
- Street
- Moving the box
- Drawing lines
- Be sure to capture the scale at the bottom
- Add landmark layers (hospitals, libraries etc.)

- Tools
- Print is another way to print the map although the view looks a little different than the view on the screen (does not show service box).
Reset the View:
Click themes to choose new filters
Click the globe to see Simcoe County view of map
Refresh page to start fresh
Still finding strange things on your map:
- Check layers (unclick unwanted layers)
- Check my map (click and unclick items or advanced options delete all)

Other GIS Training
Visit: https://county-of-simcoe-gis.github.io/SimcoeCountyWebViewer/ for additional information about map functions.
Accessing additional information about the Community Services Mapping Tool
Note: If you need guidance on how to use the map for a specific purpose not covered in this document please use the Feedback button.
Accessing Information in Multiple Languages:
The Community Services Mapping Tool can be switched to French by clicking ‘Voir en Français’.

The 211 full program details can be accessed in other languages by using the ‘Select Language’ drop down.