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County Road 92 Culvert 92016 Replacement

The existing structure consists of a 4.2m span by 1.8m rise closed bottom, cast-in-place concrete box culvert.  The original structure has been in service since circa 1955.  The culvert has reached the end of its useful life and County of Simcoe is undertaking a culvert replacement with a new precast culvert with a 4.8m span by 2.1m rise and make other improvements including installing retaining walls, new steel beam guiderails and new pavement wearing surface to improve traffic safety and driving comfort over the bridge.​ 

Timelines (subject to change as project proceeds​)

Construction activities has been shut down for the winter with completion of remaining works planned for spring of 2025.

Impacts to drivers and neighbours

Below is a key map showing the location of the culvert.  Construction will be staged to allow both lanes of traffic.  Delay and queuing at the bridge is anticipated during construction.

Please be safe and use caution when driving through the construction zone.

County’s Commitment and Experience

The County of Simcoe continues to invest in keep the infrastructure in a state of good repair.

We appreciate the public’s patience as we ensure that work on this significant improvement is being completed safely and properly and according to the County’s requirements.

Project Contact

Jae Park
Project Engineer
County of Simcoe
705.735.6901 ext. 1166