Midhurst/March 21, 2023 –Earlier this month, Collingwood’s Georgian Trail E-Bike Rentals was recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Business Award winner by Ontario By Bike, a lead organization developing and promoting cycling tourism in Ontario. The County of Simcoe, through Tourism Simcoe County’s Cycle Simcoe initiative, is extending a huge congratulations to Georgian Trail E-Bike Rentals on their award and efforts to grow cycling tourism in our region.
“Congratulations to Georgian Trail E-Bike Rentals on this tremendous achievement,” said Warden Basil Clarke. “In 2022, cycling tourism generated more than $1.3 million in visitor spending across Simcoe County, making it one of our tourism sector’s most thriving areas. Greater access to e-assisted bikes, combined with entrepreneurial ideas such as this initiative, will allow for an even wider range of visitors and residents to enjoy cycling and our amazing network of trails.”
The provincial award recognizes efforts of local organizations or individuals who offer exceptional services and amenities to cyclists stopping at their locations. The annual awards are open to businesses that are certified by Ontario By Bike as bicycle friendly, having to meet criteria that helps ensure cyclists are welcomed at businesses they choose to stop at, whether as a cycle tourist, on a longer trip, or while biking closer to home. A full list of honourees can be found at ontariobybike.ca.
2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Tourism Simcoe County’s Cycle Simcoe initiative. The role of Cycle Simcoe is to develop a cycling experience in Simcoe County for visitors and residents that creates a positive economic impact and helps to grow regional tourism. Today, Cycle Simcoe provides support to many Simcoe County municipalities, along with Barrie and Orillia, and continues to promote and support businesses and communities in growing cycling tourism in Simcoe County.
About Tourism Simcoe County
Tourism Simcoe County (TSC) promotes Simcoe County as a four-season destination of choice by developing products and experiences and executing comprehensive marketing campaigns across a variety of multimedia platforms. TSC provides tourism leadership throughout Simcoe County by developing the local tourism industry and forging and strengthening community partnerships. TSC is committed to supporting the sustainable growth of the region’s tourism assets, including, but not limited to, Agritourism, Arts, Culture and Heritage Tourism, Indigenous Tourism and Outdoor Recreation.
About the County of Simcoe
County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at simcoe.ca.
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Jen Straw
Senior Public Relations Consultant
County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Department
Collin Matanowitsch
Public Relations Manager
County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Department
705-734-8386 (mobile)