Midhurst/ September 25, 2023– The County of Simcoe’s popular curbside Leaf and Yard Waste Collection program is set to start on October 2 in Zone One and October 9 in Zone Two, running bi-weekly into December with five collections per zone. These bi-weekly collections include leaves, grass, branches (sized and bundled appropriately), and garden waste. Residents are reminded to use kraft paper yard waste bags, compostable bags, cardboard boxes, or open-ended rigid containers when placing leaf and yard waste at the curb.
Materials for collection should be placed curbside by 7 a.m. on the Monday of your collection weeks. Collection will occur during the week, not necessarily on residents’ regular collection day. To determine your collection zone and collection weeks, please refer to the 2023 Waste Management Calendar. The schedule is also available on the Simcoe County Collects App, which is free to download from the App Store or Google Play.
Fall 2023 leaf and yard waste will be collected throughout the week in each zone as follows:
Zone One
Week of October 2, 2023
Week of October 16, 2023
Week of October 30, 2023
Week of November 13, 2023
Week of November 27, 2023
Zone Two
Week of October 9, 2023
Week of October 23, 2023
Week of November 6, 2023
Week of November 20, 2023
Week of December 4, 2023
This County program does not apply to the cities of Barrie and Orillia.
The County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at simcoe.ca.
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For resident questions relating to leaf and yard waste pick-ups, email our contact centre service@simcoe.ca or call 1-800-263-3199.
Chris Hedley
Public Relations Consultant
County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Department
705-715-7654 (mobile)
Collin Matanowitsch
Public Relations Manager
County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Department
705-734-8386 (mobile)